Chapter 13: 8 Days (Part 1)

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It was my last day in the field. I've completed my report to Madam Sarah and am just waiting for her to be done with her things before I leave.

I stood at the plateau where Madam Sarah first brought me. I could get used to a view like this. And I wondered if Jennie would too.

"So, is the princess going to return to the palace and make a complaint?" Madam Ruth said sarcastically as she stood behind me. This time, it appears that she had tied 3 wooden sticks together forming a thicker one.

"There's nothing to complain about Madam." I nodded towards her. "But I would like to ask, why do you do that? Have I done something to offend you?" I really wanted to know what I did to make her pick on me.

"The Land Authorities removed me from my property, saying it was the King's orders." Finally, I found the root of her bitterness towards me.

"Madam Ruth, are you referring to the Rosewood Mansion?" I watched anger starting to rise in her face.

I continued to explain, "Madam, I believe that the order was to evacuate the mansion as explosives were detected underground. The team are finding the root of this before it can be handed back to you."

"It's been 2 years!" She snapped, raising her wooden stick, ready to strike me.

Instinctively, I raised both my arms to shield my head.

"Stop!" I heard V's voice. What is he doing here?

"Madam, you're under-" I interrupted V. "No, V. Don't. Get Rose to contact Secretary Joon to call EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) and check the status of the Rosewood Mansion case."

"But Your Highness, this woman.." V was upset I was defending Madam Ruth.

"I know. But we have cause her much inconvenience. Drop it. And please ensure that this Madam gets back what is rightfully hers. Understood?" I said calmly.

"Yes, Your Highness. I will wait for you outside and take you back to your cottage once you're ready to leave." V bowed and walked away.

"I apologize for what the order has put you through. I will see to this matter personally." Madam Ruth started to sob silently, giving me a bow before she turned away.

I looked around and saw that there was now an audience. Madam Sarah walked up to me.

"Lalisa, why didn't you tell me?" She was genuinely concern.

"I didn't want to give you any problems." I held both her hands.

"I have something for you. It's not much but I made it myself." I pulled out a box of brownies and handed it to her. "Thank you for taking care of me the past few months. I really appreciate your hospitality."

Madam Sarah smiled brightly and gave me a warm hug.

"Madam, we're not suppose to touch the royals." Someone in the crowd voiced out to remind her.

"It's okay. No one else is here" I laughed.

I went around saying my thanks and goodbyes to everyone before I went out to see V standing by the car.

"What brings you here by the way?" V didn't respond. He only smiled and opened the door for me to enter.

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