Chapter 6: Tea Party

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If there is anything I'm confident about, it's my body. I'm blessed with a small frame and it isn't easy for me to put on weight. I do make time to workout whenever I can.

I caught Jennie though. She wasn't fast enough. I saw her throwing herself to the floor on Friday night. I didn't do it on purpose. I knew we could look into each other's bedrooms, but her curtains were always shut. So it didn't occur to me that she'd open it that night. After these few weeks, I couldn't shake off these stirring feelings I had for Jennie, and I couldn't put a finger on it. When I was out in the fields, especially on days when it was tough, I would think of Jennie. And that was enough to get me through the day.

Into my second week, someone whom I've not seen around in the fields started to pick on me a little. I didn't tell anyone. But one of the girls warned me about her before, Madam Ruth, that's her name. She would shout at people with no reason at all. Sometimes even taking her wooden stick to hit others. And I'm the chosen one. She decided that I would be the one to face her wrath the past two weeks. She hasn't hit me though. Only throwing mean words. I would always just return a smile. I didn't want to create any problems for Madam Sarah. She has been amazing towards me.

Jennie came by on Saturday morning for breakfast. She asked if she could spend the day with her friends. She invited me as well, but I told her she should spend time with them. And I was okay on my own. But we agreed that Sunday, I'd go over to her place for a change.

I spent my Saturday reading and listening to music. Hobbies I rarely could indulge while I was back at the palace. Father and mother shared that during these 4 months, I had to learn to be independent. Only calling each other if it was an emergency. We were very close, so not speaking to them for the past 3 weeks was hard.

"Lisa, I'm just going to head out to the store to get something. You can come over in about half an hour alright?" Jennie informed with her head popping through the opened door. I replied with a nod.

"Thanks for having me over, you have a lovely home Jennie." I said as I entered the back door.

"Thank you. Come on over here! I got a surprise for you." Jennie took me by my hand and pulled me to the living room.

"Is this what I think it is?" I was definitely surprised by the set up.

"A tea party!" We said in unison and started laughing.

"I'm offended by the stereotype perception of princesses, you know. We don't always have tea parties." I teased Jennie.

"Hahahaha! I know! We're not drinking tea though. I thought we could be fancier." Jennie walked in with a bottle of red wine in her hand.

"You're full of surprises Jennie." I couldn't stop smiling. No one has ever planned something like this for me before. Jennie was a breath of fresh air.

Pouring our tea cups with wine, Jennie spoke, "What did you do yesterday, you could have joined my friends and I you know. I feel bad for leaving you."

"Please don't feel bad. You should spend time with your friends too. Aren't you bored of me yet?" I replied while taking a sip of the wine.

"Chasing me away already I see." Jennie teased. "I'll never get bored of you Lisa."

"And I'll never chase you away." I return her a wide smile.

And in that moment I couldn't look away. I was so drawn into the looks of her eyes. My stomach started to hurt. I thought she felt the same pull but she turned away with a look of confusion. I guess I was over thinking.

Before it became too awkward, "how was your meet up with Jisoo and Jin?" Jennie had mentioned to me who she was hanging out with.

"It was great! Jin finally got together with the girl he has been secretly in love with since college. We literally spent the entire day watching movies on the couch." Jennie fell back into a comfortable conversation with me. God I made her feel awkward. That's not how it's suppose to be.

"Lisa, let me just run up and change out of these jeans before we binge watch a series." Jennie ran upstairs to change as I looked around. I notice Jennie had a collection of Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs mini figurines, just that there weren't seven. 'Happy' was missing. I made a mental note to look for it for Jennie.

Jennie came down a few minutes later in a onesie and we spent the rest of the evening binge watching a series on an unsolved murder case.

"Let me walk you back to your cottage." Jennie offered.

"Don't be silly, it's like only 20 steps away. I'll be fine." I replied. "I had such a good time, thank you for preparing everything!" I leaned in and gave Jennie a hug. She was caught off guard but eventually sunk into the embrace.

I turned around and headed back with a huge smile plastered on my face. And that's when I knew, I have fallen in love.

This is not good.

I ran and got to my phone, powering it on for the first time, afraid it was no longer in use. I can't believe I actually survive without touching my phone.

"Rosie! Rosie! It's bad!" I said in a hurry.

"What happened?! I'm coming to get you!" Rose responded in panic.

"No! You don't have to. But I.. i.." I couldn't bring myself to say it out loud. Rose remained silent, knowing I needed time to process the words. "I think I'm in love."

"With Jennie?" Rose answered.

She knows me too well, "y-yes.. I never meant for this to happen. It just did." I felt somehow defeated.

"Lis, you've only known this girl for what, 3 weeks? Are you serious about it? Your parents-" I cut her midway.

"I know. My parents would probably never approve. Plus I don't know if she feels anything for me. I only know her last relationship was about 2 years ago, the same period her mother passed on." I huffed out my dilemma.

"I'm sorry I called so late Rosie, I was about to explode from my sudden revelation."

"You can call me anytime and I'm always here for you Lis. But perhaps take some time to really know her. And don't do anything I wouldn't do. You still have to remember, you're coming back to the palace to continue your princess duties in about 3 months. Don't hurt anyone Lis, please." I could hear Rose's concerned voice.

"I got it. Thanks Rosie." We wished each other goodnight before we hung up.

I sat there with all these feelings that I'm new to, unsure what to do with them.

JENLISA | Learning To Live & LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz