Shadowing Ren

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We talk a little more while eating, when Judas finishes he puts his dishes away in the sink before walking to the elevator patting my head on the way "I'm gonna be in my office downstairs need anything just give me a call, text or just walk-in.'' He said right before leaving, I looked at Ren and he smiled.

"Wanna hang with me in the casino? I can teach you a few things about how everything is played." He said before shoving a big piece of pancake in his mouth.

"Really Ren please, I wanna watch it sounds fun." I bounce in my seat.

"Alright, you should get some nice clothes on so you fit in a little better." He smiles.

We finish our food and Ren takes the dishes to clean them off so I can go and change. I get into my new clothes and shoes. It was 7:45 am when I walked out of my room to meet Ren at the elevator. We head down and get the lobby ready for the busy day getting the lights on and computers running as the other employees join us in getting their stations ready. I sit down on a stool Ren had near his workstation as we wait for the time to hit 9. He was the muscle so if people wanna cheat or get too drunk he kicks them out.

I was there for hours having fun helping Ren sometimes, it was never dull in the casino; sometimes the others would call me over to watch them do their thing. For a week I was helping out in the casino and sometimes on the cleaning crew. When Ren had days off he'd take me to the gym so I can build muscle to be strong. He also wanted to teach some self-defence moves just to be safe. Judas loved the idea as he didn't want to see me get hurt. They got me some cool black pants and a black top that matched Ren's work clothes.

I would stand or sit down next to Ren looking around the room. Some of their regulars would come over and ask who I was so I tell them I'm Judas's daughter. When they brought up they didn't know he had another child I would just say I'm adopted. They would be shocked as I look so much like him and his late wife. One day we had to deal with a highly pissed-off drunk wielding a knife. I stayed away as to Ren's orders so I stayed on the seat, but this guy ran right for me.

I try to get away but he slices my calf open. I fell to the floor crying in pain as it was a deep cut. Ren ran over to me and held the cut trying to stop the bleeding. He calls for backup to stop the guy and for medical attention for me. I guess Judas heard the call as he came running into the casino with a face of worry. They use whatever to tie around my leg and Judas picks me up and rushes to the car. He tells me to breathe slowly and calm down to help slow the bleeding.

He called me Samara. I don't correct him as it's just him being scared for my well-being. We get to the hospital and they rush us to get my leg stitched up. I have to stay in the hospital for a few days so they make sure the bleeding is under control. After a few days, I got to go back home with crutches as I couldn't walk on my leg yet. Judas made sure my leg was healing properly by bandaging it up himself. Over the summer we make sure I go slow as it heals Judas and orders me to stay home.

He would have people come up and cook me meals as I just relax on the couch. He would every so often come up checking on me but had a bad habit of calling me, Samara. I corrected him many times but it kept happening, he does call Skylar more often. But did get under my skin a lot being called his dead daughters name and not my own. I correct him over and over but he slips up so many times or is he doing it on purpose?

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