Chapter 63

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"When someone loves you, the way they talk about you is different. You feel safe and comfortable." — The Intern


"The curtains hanging on the window are swaying back and forth because of the cool wind outside. They are having the time of their lives and feeling themselves as the most beautiful things on their planet.She slid out of her bed .the district looked different during the middle of the night. Nobody was awake. It was rare that there'd even be a single car on the streets. She'd see a few people walking around, but not many she recognized.She is watching out of the window on which the curtains are dancing to the beautiful weather outside.

Her eyes glued to the sky. she may or may not be enjoying the view outside, a beautiful scenery . Only God knows. She is Blankly staring at the moon and stars. The night is still young the moonlight and the starlight that are falling are giving a gracious glow to her face. But that doesn't matter much to her.
Her face is blank ,expressionless.her mind is also blank- empty of thought.her face is completely pale. Her cheeks and the tip of her have taken the tint of crimson red color along with redness in her eyes because of the amount of tear she has shed down. The traces that the tears made are clearly visible on her feeble face." Marriage life she thought."she missed him and she hate to admit that."No more tears are left in the eyes. Or that is what she thought. But the truth  is that her eyes never stopped glistening with tears that night.the drops of tears always trickling down to her cheeks whenever she blinks her eyes without her knowledge.

The reason for the blankness in her  mind is that she did not want to think about anything because if she tries to think of a single thing then everything would stir her mind. How miserable her life is looking like or may be feeling like. She knows very well about herself that the next moment she starts thinking, she can't hold back herself from crying."She look up when she noticed a light turn on. The lights outside always turned off after midnight. the light was coming outside their apartment she can see clearly. She slide in her sleepers picking up her scarf as she walk towards the entrance."she  wasn't supposed to be out alone so late,but she was choosing to ignore that . She shivered a little in the cool air, walking around the house towards where she'd saw the light. Lights were almost never on after midnight. Street lights were set on a timer and people turned their house lights off before they go to sleep.A cool  breeze blew, ruffling the leaves of a nearby tree. She quivered, feeling the wind on the back of her neck, a gentle caress on her skin.

She spot him standing alone his hands both shoved in his sweat short pocket deeply into thinking of only god knows."she studied him for a while."he's so lost in his own world."What's he doing awake by this time? she thought trying to walk back."before he notice her."

"What happened?" he questioned her without looking at her.her eyes glint with a surprise how did he knows she's here."

"Do you have an eye in the back of your head."she roll her eyes."trying to walk back but he pulled her back immediately."

He bit his lips and stared at her for a while."she seems to reduce a lot of weight."you've been standing there for some minutes obviously something happened tell me so I can be excited on a scale of 1 to 10." he genuinely smile at her."

Let go off my hand."she glared at him."

I won't he pulled her closer onto him."please babe stop being stubborn.why're you awake by this time you should probably be asleep by're you feeling now."have you take your medicine?

Do you really care about my health."?

What does that supposed to mean Asma?" I do care about your health he caresses her cheeks more than I care about anything in this world."

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