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Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. -Margaret Mead


"Hussy what time is your flight so I'll pick you up from the airport on time.?faiza voice out through the phone.

10:00am husna replied wracking her hand in her hair.

Alright I'll make sure to pick you up the moment you land ."

Alright she replied chewing her inner cheeks before she hang the call."oh shit I forget to tell her that I'm going by car she Facepalm thinking to call her later.

"She kept on the phone at the night stand chewing her cheeks."glancing at the time she saw 8:30."captain she called his name gently taping him he'd told her that he's also going back to his working place today.and if she didn't forget he told her that he will be piloting to Chicago also today.

Captain you've to wake up this is 8:30pm already."she gently shook him."captain common wake up now.Good morning he almost shouted smiling softly as he pulled her onto him."she looks horrified by his sudden morning wish.he mentally laughed at her cute adorable expression.

Morning babe.!he whispered pecking her cheeks
She narrowed her eyes. you scared me.
Never intended to. he smile pulling her hair strands.
"So kaduna today?he smile sliding his hands in her sleeping wears trying to tickle her."

Cap..tain she laughed don't start please."we've to get ready time isn't in our side.she ended up laughing."
Alright time isn't in our side he said pinching her nose."he forwards his hands smiling at her.strengthen me up.

Oh common you know I can't she whine."standing up."he chuckled and shoved into his sleepers."lazy wife."he took his bath changing into his jeans and shirt he glance up the time."oh shit he whispered "this is past 9 and he's running out of time."

She came back with a tray in her hand as placed it timidly on the coffee table."breakfast she whispered.
He shook his head picking up his phone charger and his laptop bag keeping them on the bed.

What do you mean by no she crossed her arms watching him."I'm not hungry."have you ate yours he questioned clasping his wristwatch ,as he spread a bit more of his perfume.

"We're not talking about me right now.what sort of thing is this captain ?yesterday you haven't ate anything and today.?"why do you always like skipping breakfast?not breakfast only infact meals,do you know it's not good for your health.?she raised her you know exactly what will happen to you? your blood sugar and energy levels may drop.captain do you wants that to happen?"

"You ate?he questioned walking towards her.
She shook her head I'm not eating also and I'm telling you something important you're ignoring."

Alright come let's eat."eat first then I'll eat."
He chuckled and take sip of the coffee despite that he's in hurry.although she's full but he has to force her and eat again.take this last bite she exclaim shoving the pancake in his mouth."

Babe! he pout looking at her.she wiggles with her brows looking at him I guess I've to start feeding you by self."

He chuckled and stood up hurry up.and finish let me drop you at the airport
Captain airport again.?she exclaimed immediately looking at him I thought yesterday you said I'm going by car.

He gave her a weird look.yesterday? "Captain, airport again?" she said. "You said I'm going by car, right?"

He gave her a weird look. "? When did I say that, Asma?" . "You're going to Kaduna by plane today, and you're not taking any sleeping pills. You're all alone."He ended the sentence walking out from the room.

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