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"Captain Keep your eyes on the ball and your arms nice and straight.
Yeah like that"
Slightly bend your knees..."

Captain you can't do it"Says faisal covering his laughter..

"Wait and watch what am gonna do he said in his British accent as he swings the ball.."
Watch that. Dude I did it.."he said cheerfully raising his one brow.."

"Let's give a try a again the man uttered looking at Abdulhameed..
He looked up smiling he was all dressed in black jeans and his black hoodie.."paired with a black p-cap his leg was tight in a white sneakers.."

"You gonna do it now.."by your self right.."he bit his lips
"He bend his knees as keeps his eyes straight on the ball he grip golf club and finally swing it.."

"Oh my god look at that.." I got it right"he mumbled"

"Oh god a .. brilliant performance "you got it captain.."he laughed which shows his teeth.."

They both settle down in a chair just talking randomly.."

Lemme post this vid of you on Instagram for your girls to see it faisal exclaim while hameed just chuckled and shrugged..taking a sip of his drink.."He posted the video to his Instagram story with a cheeky caption: "My boy Hameed showing off his golf skills 🏌‍♂️👏"he tagged him.

After a few minutes, the comments started pouring in from his followers. Most of them were impressed, but a few were giving Hameed a hard time.

"Can you just stop that dude.." I don't like that.."he scoffed.."I don't like all that attention, you know that. I don't want to post anything ."

"But they've been asking," Faisal insisted. "They're curious about the man behind the golf club. Don't you think they deserve to see the face of the man who's been making their hearts flutter again it's been a while you post a recent picture ?"

Hameed groaned and covered his face with his hands. "Why are you doing this to me?"don't snap me I don't like that.."

Video Camera is on faisal laugh." While hameed was trying to cover his face"

"Captain just say hey I'm live already..."
This guy is just pain in the ass he cursed under his breath he doesn't like taking pictures at all...nor showing himself alot on media.."

"Heyyyy he exclaimed not showing his face"
Omo see Abeer just join us faisal said making hameed raised his head up finally giving up Abeer is a good friend of them.."

"Captain I watch that you finally got it right Abeer exclaim.."
Hameed chuckled this dude is just making it a big deal it's just because it's been a while since I play you know"

"Last time I defeated you two times right don't forget that faisal added.."
Dude  I thought you are live please don't rubbed it over here.."

"Ok na since you won't reply to your crushes then will you mind just dropping them a smile Abeer said.."

"Uh-yeah" this will do he smile with shows his teeth.."
His phone started ringing seeing his dad was the one calling made him stood up and answered the call"

Assalama Alaikum Daddy good morning"
"Wa'alaikumu sallam abdulhameed when are you coming back home?am asking you for the very last time his father said sternly from the other side but he could hear the affection behind.

"I promised I will back when you all admit that you miss me he said with a laugh he knew his family missed him but he loved to tease them about it..

"You exactly know that it's not your country right? it's almost 4years abdulhameed since you left can't you just take a leave for a month just to come and see your family.."

I will be back soon insha Allah I will just surprise you"
We don't like the surprise I'm telling you by next week you should be back to Nigeria.."

"Yes dad.."you know your wish is my command right.."by next week Abdulhameed your son is together with his dad"

So how's everything going over there?"
"Very stressful dad"dad your wife call is coming into my phone right now can I hang up.."or I should call her later.."

Hang up
Oh wow I like that .."this kind of love.."don't just tell me you're scared of her.."nah don't worry gonna talk to her right now am talking with my daddy.."wait dad it means you're not in Nigeria also.."

"His dad humped.." I will be back tomorrow.."pick your mother call.."
Yes dad I will right now."

"That's how they live happily with each other.."
He laughed picking his mom.."Asalama alaikum my heartbeat.."your husband just call right now." I don't know I'm a celebrity in that house it seems like y'all missed me that much.."

"Wa''alaikum salam You don't look like one of them and who told you we missed you please your head should stop getting big his mom joke.."

"I got it then another 4years would be added before you see me."
Enough with your rubbish.."when are you coming back.."
I just knew it you can't leave without me anyways it's a surprise I won't tell you now ,but I will be back soon just to see my old mom.."

"He talks with his mother for almost an hour before he returned back to faisal.."

Let's find something to eat..faisal exclaim as he stood up.."

I can't walked already I'm tired hameed muttered.."
And we're still going to the airline today"

"Lazy ass shall we faisal said walking forward as he followed him behind they went to a near by restaurant Fanous Lebanese Restaurant Cyprus written boldly at the board of the front door..".

What should we order captain?woah dude don't asked me that I will eat anything you'd like.."

"Are you sure"
Yeah I'm sure.." a waiter came to take their orders
A few minutes she returned back and placing their oder at the table"

I just cant wait to be back home"I'm tired of eating all these.."Faisal whine digging his fork in the plate

"I'd take the juice only hameed said sipping the juice
Faisal gave him the look of what the hell did you mean.."

Well you know I'm not hungry.."
"Eat or else I swear I won't mind feeding you right now.."

"Wallah I'm just pitying your future wife captain."you will just give her a headache".."

"Since you aren't the wife can you like shut your fucking mouth and finish up let's head to the airline .."..

"I'm just saying the truth he said his mouth fulled of food making hameed chuckled...."

Enjoy reading..."🥂

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