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"Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family: Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one." — Jane Howard


"The sun peeking through the curtains cascades onto bed reflecting her eyes. she covered her face with the pillow trying hard to go back to sleep but couldn't. her phone that was on the night stand decided to ring ,she reaches for it with her hand  and picked up her phone. seeing its a FaceTime ."he finally calm down he can never stay mad at her this guy is madly in love with her that she wouldn't understand.."she searched for her scarf beside her and wore before she slide and answered the call.."

"His smiling face popped into the screen though he looks sick but still handsome."Good morning" she voice out.." although she knew that he wouldn't complain she hate this sight of him.he will never show her he's mad at her,he'll just gave her a cold attitude which she hate.atleast she want him to shout at her,so she will be feeling less guilty but he wouldn't he always has a smile on his face although everything wasn't perfect."

Husna!"he whispers,have you guys reached yola already.?
she exhale a long breath It carries both relief and dread, anticipation and that charged feeling just before the judge declares guilty. "So you just remember that I exist in the world now she snapped ?"

What more do you want from me again husna,?"his tone harden his voice husky,soft but there's something different with his voice today,not the usual she used to hear "don't hang up," she said because she knew him exactly he can hanged the call right now despite the fact that he's angry with her and will never show her. he sighs. "I can't—"he just could not believe her,he supposed to be mad at her but she's the one who's mad at him,he hate this sight of her showing pride always she'll never apologize when she did other not to make the matter prolonged he just shrugged and asked her about what happened.?

"Captain! I told you that we're traveling but you couldn't even called and asked if we've left already,not even a message and I was expecting your call  all day.

"Sorry! I couldn't called you.I've been running down with a high fever yesterday,and also I caught some cold. I couldn't even go anywhere yesterday.

"Oh my Allah that's so terrible have you seen a doctor.?

"No!not really!"I don't like hospital sincerely speaking.and also I'm piloting to Germany right now he concluded.

Uff! Captain what do I do with you,She sighed knowing exactly the reasons behind his call,she frown show me your closet then. he propped the phone on mirror and walk towards his closet she chooses some outfit to him and help him arrange them in the suitcase.."

I really don't like this your job,you work so hard.the life you live is not easy at all,it's hectic always here and there, restless working captain.atleast you need to relax they're stressing you a lot.."you ain't even well now.they can wait until tomorrow or the next day,the most important thing is your health. Definitely we're going on a flu shot next when we meet,it made my captain a weak person.atleast thank Allah for giving you the best girlfriend ever someone like me who cares for you,have you eaten?

He chuckled!I lost my appetite ,but I'd take a cup of herbal tea,ai you can hear my voice now yesterday I couldn't even speak loud. how's yola hope it's treating you well.?

Uhm! It's pretty good..

Asma'u! he called which made her heart beat faster she knew that whenever he calls her with her name it's something serious and definitely about marriage.
I'm tired of this long relationship.please I do wanna send my guidance please talk to Aunt. I can't hold it anymore please.I want to settle down husna, I badly need a wife he plead.

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