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Two months later...
"Life goes on while they were still struggling.."but sometimes the hibiscus drink money is really helping them.."

"both were sitting on a mat spread in the compound of their house.." her father just came back from his working place today.."

"Her siblings were just talking randomly and her parents mostly talking about the government work both waiting for the lunch to be done.."

Husna come and check the food I think it's done already.."he mother said she stood up keeping her book aside as she walk gently towards the kitchen.."

"Husnatu be banin ayidi mi bangine be ko'a wata do na (Husnatu do you expect me to get you married like that you're doing something like a snake,everything slow..")

Adda Moivima mi bangan mi wanyi kalmawol mai ma (Adda and who told you I am getting married.."I even hate the word).." she angrily open the pot.

"Husna you mean that you will not get married in your whole life ?her father asked again.."

Abba Malumju islamiya a min do yidi anma o sali mo (Abba Mallam habib in our islamiya loves her also but she's not even giving him a room to talk to her)said Fatima "

Mi anda ko damata bingel do a hore maka be yidi mo o vagi anma o sali hukku be yeso be volina mo ma (I don't even know what's wrong in this girl head.."she had so many suitors but she's not giving them any face to talk to her.."husna are you sure you're ok.."or maybe you needed a ruqiya)

Adda accu mi wanyi kalma wol yidi mi metata mi yarda gorko minkam ("Adda stop it.." I just hate the word marriage, I hate the word love.." I will never trust any man in my life again men are betrayals they're cheaters )she wipe her tears immediately.."

"I don't think I can ever marry anyone else . I will just stay unmarried forever.

"Don't talk ever like that husna..and wipe these tears
and bring us our food I'm hungry right now before you people saw me collapsing.her father joked trying to change the conversation.."

"She poured the jollof rice in the plates and handed it to everyone her phone shrill seeing faiza made he sigh and let out a few cursed words under her breath before she picked up the phone.."

"Are you coming"?husna you promised me that you will come today,and I have been waiting for you since morning. I couldn't even sleep well because of happiness for the first time you're coming to my
home why are you always a joy killer.."?

"Sorry I ..

"Nope, I don't want to hear it! No No No!I can't hear you! She was starting to regret the moment She decided to pick up the call when she saw Faiza name flashing on her phone screen. "

Hussy wallah,I'm not taking 'no' for an answer!" You're coming over no matter what so get your cute butt up and go shower.Come on hussy, one step at a time. All you need to do is take a shower right now.

"And who told you I haven't shower?"

Oh sorry I thought,please hussy I swear mama and the rest have went out to a naming ceremony I'm the only one in here"

She weighed out all the excuses in her mind that she
could give her – I have to help Adda cook today, also I'm going to wash some of my clothes.."

"I promise I won't let the day to be bored we could just order some pizza.,"and also gist.."

I will as...she started wait I know what you going to say you will ask your mother right I got her number I will call her right away"

Husna huffs, fondly rolling her eyes Little scout understand that I can't come to your place You know I can't. I've to complete assignments, revise for tomorrow's test." She pouts,

Husna immediately hang the call before she could make any other stupid requests, again

she call Husna mother who gladly agreed husna fumed with anger because she really didn't want to go.."

"She went to her room and change into her material gown slipping into her baby pink hijab.."

"Husna won't you even rubbed some powder?her mother said looking at her.."
"No"I'm going her father gave her N 300 and told her not to stay out late

"The sun is too much she thinks the moment she went out, she look around her,the road was bustling with people and a few cars is now in complete shambles. people were so busy in the road she walk further more to find a keke.."

"She asked him about the price.."he said he will take her there N150 she gladly hopped in at he drove her direct to faiza house.."

"So the security man already knows her he let her in immediately.."

"She went up stairs to faiza room..she open the door and slide in.." a medium sized bed with a white and red bedspread. In the room Next to the bed there is a bedside table, on it there is a pink lamp too. In the right to the bed there is a wood desk and a pink chair.

"On the desk there is a computer and various things for work. Next to the desk, there is a wardrobe,and made of wood too.
The colours of the room is really combined.."and really beautiful she's laying on her bed covering with the blankets.."

With her phone on her hand scrolling down.."
Salama alaikum she mumbled as she walk in.."

"Oh my god sweetheart you really came faiza said cheerfully hugging her.."
She squeezed her face a little.."now what do you want me to do.."?

Well nothing come let's sit and just gist
what is it?" She ask her in an annoyed tone.

"Let me grab some drinks for you.."na cool down beb I wasn't going kidnap you.

"Oh sorry!she remember that husna wasn't supposed to take any soft drinks considering her health status.."

So what's up?hussy oh my god I forgot to tell you something you know that my friend that is getting married right.."?

She rolled her eyes.."yes"what about her.."?
The marriage was canceled.."the guy is somehow bastard he betrayed her.."

Typically mens she curse rolling her eyes.."
Come maybe let's go to the cafe,let's go to habil please I'm bored over here and I promise to take you back home.."

Please don't say no hussy please she held her hand..
She silently nod.
Yayyy thank you sweetheart..."let's get you ready.."

"Do you like it?" Faiza asked grinning .

She didn't look in the mirror, but She pretended to.
"It's perfect!" She squealed smiling softly ,. "You are a makeup goddess!"

Hussy frowned.."please look at the mirror once na
And see how I transformed you.."
She finally look at the mirror she could barely recognize her self.."

"It was just a light makeup but she looks beautiful ..that wasn't bad she think but if she pretend hard she could believe that the reflection in the glass was not her reflection.."someone different is in the glass.."

Now let's make the hair..
Please she squeezed her face because she doesn't like people touching her hair..she has a strong hair..

Please I won't let it hurt you she almost cried when faiza is doing her hair..faiza kept on laughing...handing her a after dress.."

"She does look like one of those Arab girl with the light makeup which matches with the color of her skin..
See my sweetheart wallah you look beautiful just a little snap of pictures will be done.."

She snap the pictures before changing her cloths dragging husna to the cafe.."

Mostly faiza is the one talking husna isn't interested in all...
Around 5 she dropped husna back home.....

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