Fake - Nature Wives (Angst/comfort) - E2

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Um, let's pretend that I didn't disappear for like a week :')

When I tell you this took SO LONG

When I said there was a longer one coming, this was not what I had planned, but I mean, sure, I'll go with it

Hannahaki!!! I love Hannahaki, and dude, this was so much fun to write, so expect more!

Warnings: Blood, gore, self-doubt, near death, mentioned death, some bratty high school girls, technically vomit, extreme pain - Yeah, it's not for the faint hearted.


OHMYGOSH 1000 VIEWS WHEN?! Y'all have no clue how much you all mean to me! I cannot thank you enough for reading this silly little book! And thank you for all the votes, too! I love you all so much! (◕ᴗ◕✿)

Word Count: 3425 (HOLY GUACAMOLE)

Shelby hummed contentedly as she flew away from Glimmer Grove, swinging her legs off of the edge of her broomstick.

She was in love with Katherine.

It wasn't hard to see, she thought, but even so, she would never tell a single soul.

She spent the whole flight thinking of the princess's beauty, and she sighed as she dismounted her broom. She let her fake smile fall.

For she knew Katherine didn't like her back.

She never would, not in a million years.

Why would she?

Princess Katherine was beautiful, elegant and kind, and at the same time, strong and courageous, and willing to fight for justice. She deserved someone as multi-talented and as stunning as herself.

Perhaps Pirate Joe, Shelby had heard that he had been courting the princess.

And she was sure that Katherine would most certainly not want a scruffy, clumsy witch who trapes mud everywhere she goes and can't even brew a simple invisibility potion.

Shelby slammed the door to her house, fighting back tears. The wooden building felt empty after how cramped her old hut was.

Her house was nothing compared to the other rulers, who were much better for the Princess of Glimmer Grove.

The thought of Katherine made her throat tickle, and she coughed.

She froze as a pink flower fell through the air. She stared at it.

"What the-"

She cut herself off with a more violent cough, followed by another flurry of petals.

They most certainly weren't from the Evermoore, that was for sure. All flowers from the mangrove swamp were very dark colours, called ugly by some.

A bit like Shelby.

These flowers, however, held a striking beauty and a stunning elegance.

They looked like they would grow in Glimmer Grove.

They looked like Katherine.

Shelby grabbed a handful of petals from the floor and ran to her bedroom. She ran her finger along her bookshelf and pulled out multiple books, that were titled things like 'A History of Magic Plants' and 'How To Harness a Flower's Magical Properties'.

"Right," She muttered, sitting down on her bed, pulling Tortoise onto her lap (who gave a croak of protest) and opening the first book.

"This shouldn't be so hard."

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