24: Tears

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TW: Mentioning of death and the feelings of the ones who stayed behind!
"Where is Finn?" Raven asked.

Bellamy's and Octavia's eyes turned to Clarke. Sometimes it sucked to be 'the leader'.

Clarke noticed that Lexa rested her hands on the hilt of one of her daggers. It seemed to calm her. At the same time Indra, Anya and Gustus subtly moved theirselves in front of Lexa. Just not subtly enough. Raven picked up on it and wearily asked again, "Where is Finn?"

Clarke answered, "Finn attacked TonDC. In his trial he tried to attack Heda. In the scuffle that ensued, he died." Her eyes flickered to Anya.

Raven narrowed her eyes. She fixed her eyes on Anya, but spoke to Clarke, "He was there to find you. You! And you're telling me, that she" she nodded towards Anya, her voice filled with venom, "killed him?!"

Clarke didn't respond. She didn't need to. It was evident that Raven hit bull's eye.

And then something in Raven's eyes changed. Anya noticed it when Raven was already charging at her. It only took Raven five steps to reach Anya despite her leg. Her hands curled into a fist, Raven hit Anya in the chest multiple times before the warrior reacted. And her reaction surprised everyone but Lexa. Anya didn't push Raven away or put her sword to the girl's throat. No, she pulled Raven closer into a hug. This way Raven couldn't hit her anymore, but at the same time only Raven could her Anya's words whispered into her ear for they were only meant for her, "I know the pain you feel. Loosing a loved one by the hand of another is cruel," Anya's voice was soft, "but your anger will only cause more pain. You need to grieve this loss for only then you can heal."

Raven's body went limp and her leg gave away, but Anya held her upright. Tears formed in Raven's eyes and a sob escaped her throat. Her whole body was shivering now from more and more sobs, her vision became blurry with tears. Between the sobs Raven gasped for air, she had no control over her breathing anymore and the air in her lungs became less and less as the uncontrollable sobs went on. Still she could her Anya's calming words in the grounder's language and even though she didn't understand a single word, it didn't leave her untouched. And even though the sobs died down, Raven was exhausted from her breakdown. She drifted into darkness, carried by calming words. This would be a dreamless sleep. For a few hours Raven
wouldn't feel the pain of her oldest and closest friend's death...

When Raven started sobbing uncontrollably, Anya slowly slid down to her knees, never letting go of Raven. She was responsible for the young girl's pain. She understood Raven's reaction. How often had Anya taken lives in war and thus destroyed families, left friends without their friend behind. And how many of Anya's comrades and friends have died and left her alone. She remembered exactly how she felt when guards had knocked on her door for the first time to inform her about the death of a loved one. The house was colder without her father there and there was a time she wanted revenge for the gap he left behind...

To calm Raven down she began to tell her the bedtime story her father used to tell her. She knew that Raven wouldn't understand a word, but the sheer flow of words seemed to calm Raven down and when she reached the end of the story Raven had drifted of to sleep from exhaustion.

Gently Anya laid Raven down and looked up. Everyone stood around her and looked at Raven worriedly. Clarke whispered, to not wake Raven up, "We should bring her to medical. And at least one person should stay with her. Raven shouldn't be alone when she wakes up."

Everyone nodded and Anya picked Raven up and looked at Clarke expectantly, "Where do I take her?"

"I will bring you there. And I can stay with her for the night," Octavia offered.

"I will stay with her, too," Anya said.

"Then so will I," Bellamy immediately declared.

Octavia just rolled her eyes and led the way with Anya and Bellamy following closely behind.

"If Anya stays here tonight, so will I," Lexa decreed. "But you, Indra and Gustus, need to go back to the others," she ordered. "Is there a place where I can rest?" she questioned, turning to Clarke.

"But, Heda..." Gustus started, but a sharp glance from Lexa shut him up and he mumbled, "Sha, Heda. (Yes, Commander.)" And with that Indra and Gustus left as well.

Clarke looked at them walking away, than turned to Lexa, "There is a free room close to mine you could take. If anything comes up tonight, you can come to my room. I will show you where it is," Clarke suggested.

Lexa nodded and they both left the now empty waiting room. The council must have taken a different exit.


A/N: Due to having less time to write my story, updates will come every two weeks from now on until I found a new rhythm to write, because I don't want to cut the work I put into a chapter just for updating every Monday. I hope this is okay for you. Another option would be having shorter chapters. If you have any preferences on that, let me know.
I hope you liked this chapter, I promise, the plot will go on a little faster in the next chapters. I'm still figuring out the pacing of the story, since it is my first. Thanks for reading, until next time.

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