15: Judgement day

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TW: Violence, Death, Guns, Knifes
Lexa descended from the stairs and went to the table in her tent. She motioned Anya, Indra and Clarke to join her. Lexa took her place and Anya and Indra sat next to her at the sides of the small table. That left Clarke to take the place opposite of Heda.
Lexa opened this sitting with the traditional words, "As per the laws of the Kongeda, the traditions of our ancestors and the power of Bekka Pramheda in me, Leksa kom Trikru, I open the sitting to agree on a punishment of Finn kom Skaikru, Murphy kom Skaikru and Barn kom Trikru. We will start with Finn kom Trikru. He is accused to have tried to massacre this village. What should his punishment be?"
Clarke felt the importance of this situation and she wanted to save her people, so she decided to speak up, "Why do we decide on a punishment now? Shouldn't the accused have the chance to defend themselves?"
Indra glared at Clarke, "I didn't think, you would understand our traditions." She then turned to Heda, "Do you see now, why it was a mistake to let Clarke in on this discussion?"
Anya just sat there, her face not giving away, what she thought. Lexa on the other hand looked annoyed. She wanted to hear Clarke out, so she could better understand Skaikru and decide, whether or not she should accept an alliance with Skaikru, thus her decision stood.
"Indra, don't question my decision. Why don't you tell the guards to get the prisoners," Lexa stated more than she asked. Indra scowled, but she couldn't ignore Heda's request, so she got up and Anya handed her the key to the cell. Indra stepped outside to fetch some guards and get the prisoners.
When Indra was gone, Anya spoke up, "Heda, remember, we talked about the fayogons in my tent. Should we get them while Indra is gone?" Lexa nodded and motioned for Anya and Clarke to lead the way.
When they entered the tent, all the weapons were as they left them there. Clarke went over to the guns and swung the rifles over her shoulder and pocketed her own handgun. Anya went over to the ammo and took picked it up, but a small magazine fell down. Clarke hurried over and picked it up for Anya. Lexa eyed them carefully. Not quite sure what to make from that situation she asked, "Are these the fayogons the boys used to attack TonDC?" Anya answered, "Two of them, yes. The others were brought by Clarke and the boy with her, but they gave up their weapons when I asked them to." The Heda nodded and turned to leave. Anya followed her behind. In this short moment, when nobody looked, Clarke put the magazine back into her handgun and took one of Octavia's daggers, she didn't took with her to the training grounds.
Shortly after Clarke, Lexa and Anya arrived back at the Heda's tent and Anya placed the ammo and Clarke the rifles down, Indra came back with Gustus and four other guards. Two guards each flanked one of the prisoners, whereat Barn had to be hold up by his guards.
Heda sat down at her throne and took out her favourite dagger. Clarke wondered, whether that was a tactic to scare the prisoners or to calm her own nerves. Or both.
Indra stepped on the second step to the throne and Anya took Clarkes arm and followed Indra.
Then Heda spoke again, "Finn from the Skai People, you are accused of attempted mass murder of civilians, what do you have to say to defend yourself?"
But Finn just looked at Clarke and Clarke looked back at Finn.
Suddenly Finn broke free from his guards and stormed towards the throne. Murphy also broke free, but to stop Finn from whatever it was he was trying. Murphy and Anya reached Finn at the same time. Murphy grabbed his collar, yanked him back. A flash of steel. Blood staining Finns chest. It felt like time was frozen. Then Finn dropped to the ground. He coughed. He spat blood. And everything snapped back into motion. Clarke ran to Finn, Murphy was tackled and pressed down by Anya and Indra. The remaining guards, Gustus with them, rushed to their Heda and formed a protective circle around her.
But for Clarke there was only Finn in this moment. She held him tight and tears blurred her view while Finn's blood stained her shirt. She knew, he would die soon. Anya probably aimed for Finn's heart, but missed when Murphy pulled him back, and instead pierced his lunges.
Finn smiled at Clarke weakly, "It's better like that..." he coughed more blood, "I...I...Sorry, I...couldn't...save you." He closed his eyes in pain, "Stay safe...princess," his voice began to faded at the last word, but he continued, "I love you!"
Clarke didn't know how to respond, so she said the prayer, "In peace, may you leave this shore. In love, may you find the next. Safe passage on your travels, until our final journey to the ground. May we meet again." When she finished, Finn's eyes were closed and his rattling breathing had stopped. Clarke looked up for the first time in, what felt like hours. And what she saw, shocked her.
She must have dropped her knife and Barn had picked it up and now towered over Anya, ready to take revenge for what she did to him. Anya didn't see him coming, still focused on Murphy, same as Indra.
Without thinking, Clarke reacted, she took her gun, loaded, aimed, and shot.

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