"I never wanted to be a human," you grit your teeth. "They raised me in captivity since I can remember. They took away everything from my life before it could even begin because I'm the memento of a dying species. A shadow, but it didn't matter to them. I never wanted to be a human, but I never wanted to be a Lunarian either."

"You hate us because you could have been free without our blood?" he asks, still keeping his voice low.

You can't see his features and gestures in the dim light, but you see the glowing of his gaze.

"I don't hate Lunarians," you answer, carefully choosing your words. "I only hate you."

You recoil as King's eyes widen.

"You realize that I could kill you any moment, Halfblood?"

"They had a reason to take my tongue away," you smile, even if your muscles tense from the strengthening threat in the air. "I'm already dead. You told me you won't let me leave this place since I saw your face. At least I can die without chains now, telling the truth the way I was never allowed."

The man tilts his head softly, and you gasp when the fire goes out on his back.

Complete, thick darkness falls over the room, covering every inch, running into the corners, up the walls like a living creature, to unite with the black, night sky.

You hear the beating of your heart from the fear. He doesn't move, and you can't identify any of his motives and reason.

"Keep talking, then," he whispers, and the deep voice runs a shiver down your spine.

Three words, without any tone of emotions. He empties himself before talking. An empty shell filled with space.

And you do as he said.

"You are poisoned with anger because of your loss," you answer him. "You can no longer think of anyone or anything without the shadow of your hatred. And I pity you for that."

Your shoulders tense from the frustration of the darkness, but it somehow helps to let out your thoughts.

A lonely tear flows down your cheek as you continue, not letting yourself think of the possibilities of the rest.

His breath brushes the sensitive skin of your neck, and you start trembling. The next time you open your mouth, you realize you are yelling.

"You are nothing more than a-"

But you bite off the end of the sentence as you feel his hand touching yours.

Warm, long fingers lock around yours, and he lifts his index and middle fingers to move away from your skin.

You freeze as a small fire lights up at their end, and you close your eyes when you see his peaceful, calm face, the flames reflecting in his bright iris.

Despite all your feelings, he's still the most beautiful man you have seen in your life.

"This fire can't exist only out of hatred," he says. "It's not only our blood that gives this gift."

You shout in pain and jump away from him as his fingers touch the back of your hand and burn your skin.

The room falls into darkness again.

"We have to keep it alive," he whispers. "Right now, this flame isn't created to cause damage. It hurts you because you can't feed it, so it takes your flesh instead."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," you answer with a quivering voice. King's glowing eyes slowly move down, back to your hand.

"Fire isn't just a force of nature," he says. "You're not Lunarian, but you have part of us inside you. You must find it, or the flames will hurt you forever."

Halfblood [King|Alber × Reader]Where stories live. Discover now