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It had been about a week since the whole situation between kyle and Bex. Things were still bad at school. With Sam gone and the segregation it was driving me insane. I was so used to seeing Finn in all my classes and now I only get to see him at break at lunch which trust me isn't long enough.

I'm walking into school with my hand laced in Finns I notice josh walking in with Nate.

'those two have been getting while close past few weeks' I say turning to Finn.

'yeah I guess' I knew Finn didn't like Nate and to be fair neither did I he gave off a bad vibe to me but I stuck it up for josh. The past few weeks we've barely seen josh out of school as he's always with Nate and I was getting tired of it.

I noticed Lauren and Amy talking to billy. She's a nice girl and she just had a baby, I would've went over to say hello but I was so caught up in spending every moment I had with Finn before my dad had the pleasure to watch us walk to different classrooms. I swear he was loving this.

'No way Charles Leclerc Is way fitter then Carlos Sainz' is what I was saying to Lauren as Finn rolled his eyes. I think he was quite lonely only hanging out with me and Lauren all the time now because josh is too preoccupied with Nate.

I turn to him which wasn't hard as I was leaning against his chest so I tilted my head up and buried it in his neck leaving a kiss before whispering in his ear

'you okay' I say pressing more kisses on his neck

'yeah, I got pulled in for a chat with your dad this morning'

'I'm intrigued'

'he wanted me and kyle to shake hands and be friends'

I burst out laughing 'is he serious, trying to force you two to be friends because he's such a sad shit and has none'.

I hear the bell ring and I groan, burying myself in Finn a little longer just wanting to stay there when Lauren grabs my hand trailing me away only giving me enough time to place a quick peck on Finns lips before being dragged away. However on our way to home economics we find billy on the stairs holding baby Brooke over the banister threatening to drop her. I noticed my dad come up with the pastoral care lady, I'm not even going to try and learn her name, Janice and who I can assume Is Billy's mum. After my dad talking to billy ensuring her none will take her baby from here she finally pulls Brooke back over the banister and she's taken into Mrs fishers office which is my dads for the day. I swear every time he's acting head something goes wrong and its always a bad thing.

I was currently doing homework in my bedroom, dad was at the pub with Mr Clarkson so I was home alone, Finn would normally be here but he went to josh's to play video games. It was near 10 when I heard a knock on my front door and when I opened it I found Finn. He immediately pulled me into a hug burying his face in my neck. I reach up my hand stroking his hair.

'hey what happened' I ask as we make our way to my room cuddling up under my covers, me lying with my head on his chest and him stroking my hair.

'we were just hanging out then Nate arrived, turns out josh had invited him round so while they were playing together I was sat there just watching so I got up and left, didn't even notice. I mean it's different when you have a girlfriend because you still have your mate but when you like boys he become your new best mate and where does that leave me. I mean I don't have a problem with him being gay I have a problem with him pushing me away and ignoring me.'

My heart broke during that, josh was Finn's best friend, and he was pushing him aside for some boy. After a while me and Finn fell asleep only to be woken up by my dad the next morning. Finn and I parted ways while I headed to school early with dad he went home to get changed.

The day went by really fast and as me and Lauren were walking towards the door we came across josh and Nate staring at the wall.

'aww Nate loves josh in a heart. How cute' I say as I notice the drawing on the wall.

I heard a mans loud booming voice seeming to have overheard our conversation and started screaming at Nate.

'Think that's his dad' I whisper to Lauren who is beside me holding my hand as this guy is scary.

He then turns and screams at josh until Mr Clarkson comes and pushes me, josh and Lauren behind him out of nates dads way.

Mr Clarkson managed to get him to calm down and they made their way to Mrs Fishers office while I noticed Finn standing by the door holding his hand out for me as soon as he saw me. This made me speed up and as I reached him, I threw myself into his arms and just stood there.

I was watching a movie with Finn, we were watching pitch perfect 2 when I get a text from josh.

'oh my god nates dad just beat the shit out of Mr Clarkson' 

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2023 ⏰

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