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(hey sorry for not posting yesterday i was with my aunt and i stayed up until 2am completing coursework and revising for my tests that were today.)Today Mrs Fry was doing a 'swaps and frocks' event were we bring in old clothes we don't want anymore and trade them for something new. So i brought in some old clothes i never wear and met up with Lauren. After we gave her our donation we headed to gym.

'Hey could you cover for me' Lauren asked again. She does this every time we have to change.


We got outside ready to do netball when we saw the boys Josh staring at Lauren a little to long. I blew a kiss to Finn and he responded in laughing and catching it before they were told to focus of football.

'What ya think.' I said doing a little swirl like a boss in an adorable pair of boots with a heel on the bottom.

'wow wow wow, I LOVE IT.'Lauren squealed.

One minute I'm laughing with Lauren and the curtain in the changing room she's in falls down and everyone sees a massive scar all over her back.

'looks like corned beef.' i hear one of the boys say thats when i realize everyone is watching her and laughing the teachers standing there not knowing what to do. I run forward and help a Lauren who's crying her heart out find her shirt.

After the teachers got everyone out Lauren ran i followed. After the whole english lesson thing i couldn't find Lauren. Until my dad came into my art lesson with Mr Clarkson both looking for Lauren and me saying i hadn't seen her i went with them to find her.

When i did i heard her screaming and crying i stood there not knowing what to do a while Mr Clarkson rushed over and put her under the shower.

Hydrogen Peroxide. Thats what it said she was putting this on herslef.

After the ambo left with her i was walking around and i saw Josh and Finn laughing i don't know what came over me but i walked over there. I slapped Josh on the face.




'wow wow babe whats going on' Finn said putting his hands on my shoulder trying to block me from Josh. I just shrugged him off pointed my finger at Josh...

'you know what you did.' and with that i walked away.

It was now after school i was at Lauren's house cheering her up with a sleepover.

Lucy meadजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें