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'COME GET YOUR DVD'S AND MORE' was the first thing i heard as me and dad made are way into school. Looks like Ronana's dad cut of his pocket money as he's having a full on garage sale getting rid of everything.

'Alright todays Mr Kirby first day in the geography department. I want you to treat him with respect and urge your classmates to do the same.' dad said warning me as i got out of the car.

'looking for a new boyfriend josh now that you know I'm not interested.' i heard. When i looked in the way the voice came from i was shocked to see it was Finn bullying his best friend because of who he chooses to love. I mean no one bully's us for who we love so whys it different for josh just because he likes the same gender.

I was appalled by Finn so i walked over to a now frozen josh linked arms with him and walked off.

'Shove off Finn.' i said as we past. When we were opening the door to go in i glanced back to see Finn standing there staring right back at me as we would normally walk into school together on Wednesday, Friday and Monday.  I just walked to form with josh not even glancing at Finn when i sat next to josh instead of him. 

Finn had been avoiding josh all day probably because i never left his side and he didn't want to upset me and have me ignoring him anymore. At the end of the day i was making my way to meet up with josh who was doing a wrestling or something class with Tom in the assembly hall. what i didn't expect to see was Finn Sharkey and Josh Stevenson playing and having fun together it made me smile so much that i walked away and sat down on a step outside to wait.


As i was walking out after making up with josh again which felt amazing having my best friend back. All honesty i was scared if he got a boyfriend he would replace me. Stupid i know.

As if someone heard my thoughts.

'Its not stupid you know' said a voice wrapping there arms around my torso.  There she was the girl who's attention i had been craving all day. As in a fast motion i turned around and threw my arm around her shoulder her still hugging me  as she continued speaking.

'Your scared to loose him. Thats okay. Full disclosure he was like that too when we started dating but he warmed up to the idea. Just like you did. It just takes time.'

Wise words.

Reminds me why i fell in love with her in the first place.

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