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Today when I got to school Finn told me he's moving to America.
'WHAT. why about me what about us.'
'I know baby I'm trying.'He said.
As we were hugging I tried to imagine my life with out Finn. I would be broken because to be honest he's my rock. My solemate. And I will do ANYTHING to stay with him forever.

Finn told me his plan which was TOTALY CRAZY but there was benifits. Being with Finn together and seeing mum. Win win I guess. So I'm curently running around school looking for my friends when I finally found then. Amy, sam, Lauren and josh.
I hugged each one of them. 'I love you guys, thank you for everything.'
I then ran away leaving them speechless and confused. When I got to the school gates there was Finn with his hand held out for me as we joined hands and walked towards the train station.

We finally arrived at the beach after a train ride which consisted of hand holding and kisses.
'Its now or never'
I said looking up from my place in Finns neck to look him in the eye as he tilted his face down to give me a loving kiss on the lips.
Aas we were walking towards the water hand in hand I heard something.
LUCY,FINN! I heard my dad scream that's when I realised what I was going to do and stopped. Finn kept running I ran after him screaming his name.
'FINNNN' he stopped.

'Please don't do this' I begged. He looked at me. Right in the eyes then turned away I though it was over as I looked down. Suddenly I felt my face being lifted up and into a quick kiss then a tight hug. I hugged him so tight as he wrapped me in his arms. I felt like home.

After dad got us in the car we drove to Finns. We went in long story short dad blew up at his dad for how he reacted to the news.

When me and dad got home I had fallen asleep in the car so he carried me in up to my room kissed Me goodnite.
'I love you lucy'

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