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'Guess who.
Morning boyfriend have you been avoiding me.' said Lauren coming over to us whilst covering joshs eyes. They actually got together don't even know how it happened tbh.

He make up an excuse of I've been busy and Lauren practically throws herself on him basically begging for him to take her virginity tn while her parents are away.

He started going 'I have plans with Finn' while she gets defense and Finn stands behind josh and starts making hand signals so josh is now hanging out with her tn while me and Finn run of towards the doors throwing a cheeky wink before running off to have some fun of our own in a storage cupboard before class.

We ended up stumbling into form 10mins late as are activities ran long.

'Your late.' said Tom while we nodded and sat down while I was smoothing out my skirt.

I heard josh was being homophobic to Conner at pe. Finn told me he invited him to his for poker nite and josh got all defensive bc he couldn't go.

Jelously. Jelously.

Im walking down the corridor with Amy when Finn comes up to us with josh running behind him. He walks up to me pushes me against a wall and starts kissing me imidietly with tougne. As we're kissing Amy begins cheering. After we break away he walks up to josh and I can't her what they say but next I know Finn is beating the crap out of him.

Tom and dad comes and breaks it up and asks me to walk them to the cooler. Turns out MY BESTMATE KISSED MY BOYFRIEND.

Me and Amy are sitting talking in English when Lauren walks in all happy guess she didn't hear the news. We tell her and she walks off without saying anything and sits in her chair as I take my seat beside Amy.

Secrets out!

Texts have been going round the whole school that josh tried to kiss Finn.

When Finn came in he stopped in front of my desk swooping in to kiss my cheek before making his way to his seat behind me but not before putting his jacket over my shoulders.

Amy started taking the mick out of josh while everyone laughed it was quite funny tho.

He stormed out after saying 'why u talking bout me for he's the gay one.'

Lunch was interesting to say the least. Josh walked in and snogged Lauren very aggressivly if I may add. As they were walking out I followed.

'what you doing. What about what everyone's saying.' I said grabbing her arm and pulling her to me trying to spare her some dignity and heartbreak.

'It's lies he told me.' with that she walked off.

Next thing I know she comes into French crying. I move from my seat next to Finn without saying anything and walked straight over and sat next to Lauren. She told me what happened and I suggest we skipped so we snuck out the back door and went to mine and watched movies.  I was completely disgusted with what Finn did. I could never do that to my bestmate.

Finns pov:

I saw Lucy and Lauren sneak out the back of the classroom. She just left without telling me anything which isn't like her. She must be mad about me telling the whole Josh thing. Wtf was he even playing at I have a girlfriend who is his best friend. Why would he do that trying to get me to cheat on her for an experiment.  He left Lauren completely devistated and knowing Lucy she is sad for Lauren. I just hope she's not mad at me. I don't know what I would do if she was. I can't cope when she's mad at me or ignores me.

Lucy's pov:

Lauren ended up staying the nite as I didn't want her to be home alone tn after everything. Today was definitely a long one.

Guess the secrets out. What's going to happen now I wonder.

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