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It was another normal day I was finally feeling 100% after the incident that occured 2weeks ago now. I had started wearing the Waterloo uniform just like everyone else only difference was we still wear the John fosters green tie.

It was break classes went by and were normal. Bolten and Paul were selling juice(or so I thought). So I bought one £1:50 not that bad. I had finished the drink although it tasted weird I thought it was normal as I never normally enjoyed cherry. There was around 5mins to lunch and I started feeling dizzy so I asked to leave class and in my way to my dad's room the fire alarm went off I had no energy by the time I made it to dad's room no-one was there and next thing I know I'm falling and blacking out.

Chris pov: the fire bell had just went. ETHONAL? Were they crazy people could have been seriously hurt how could I let this slip past me. When Rachel was collecting in the bottles I got a close look that was the same 'cherry' juice Lucy had been drinking earlier. Now that I mention it she did look a bit off after break. So I started looking around remembering the affects of Ethonal. She wasn't here.

'sir she felt sick and went to find you just before the alarm went off' Josh said to me.

I ran straight to my room their she was my little girl collapsed on the floor. I picked her up and took her outside her pulse was barely there.
Teacher and her friends started running over to us I gently put her in my car max offered to drive so I sat in the back with Lucy. Max has always had a soft spot for Lucy.

4hours later.

Lucy's pov:
I woke up confused I sat up and realised were I was. Hospital. What happened last thing I remembered was passing out on my way to dad's room. Dad? Were was he? Just as I thought that he walked in holding a cup of coffee in one hand and a bottle of coke on the other.

We sat there for hours talking while the doctors monitored me. It was roughly 9pm when we left. Because it was a Friday I was able to go straight home and not worry about school the next day.

When I got home. Mr clarkson and Josh were sitting in my living room. I hugged Josh confused then he started explaining.

He told me how Mr clark- I mean tom was his father and his mum stole toms eggs when they were younger because she wanted his kids which is messed up letting Josh believe his dad abandoned him. So he was now living with tom. I can call him that now too which is so much easier then Mr clarkson but I still need to call him that in school.

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