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I had the best summer ever. Me and dad took a car ride across the country for 3 weeks. I had countless sleepovers with my mates. Although Sam was MIA because she was with Bolten. I mean i have a boyfriend to but i still found time to hang with mate and family and visit Lindsey in jail, take Emily for ice cream and skating. Speaking of boyfriend me and Finn took so many long nights watching the sun set and sometimes i will sneak out for the sun rise. Movie nights, sleepovers, late nights which made me feel butterfly's. Funny thing is dad has become fine with me and Finn, which shocked me.

As me Lauren and Amy walked into school we saw Josh and Finn playing football with the other boys so we stopped and watched as my last 3 weeks of summer i was on the road trip. So when Finn saw Josh run and hug me he stopped playing pushed Josh of me and spun me around in his arms laughing until... We hear shouting so we go up the hill and theres a man and a woman with 2 kids arguing with who by the look on dads face is the new head.

Karen Fisher.

She's been here 5 minutes ands she's already changing things.

No cooler

3 strike program; 1 strike=Suspension for 2 weeks.

2strikes=Suspension for 3 weeks.

3strikes= Your out.

I don't like her.

As were waiting outside Mr Budgen's room for GCSE English. This girl walks over and starts calling a little boy who happens to be her brother 'Piggy'.

I had to hide my face on Fnn's shoulder to contain my laughter while Jonna Kirby tells her off. That Ruth girl wouldn't shut up in Budgen's room so she was sent to Mrs Fishers office. Next was science

Ruth really does want to be kicked out as she made a smoke bomb in class so were all outside for a fire drill. As everyones making there way back inside i notice Chelsea a mate of mine doesn't look to good to i run to her.

'Chels you okay' i asked rubbing her back encouragingly.

That's when i remember that she need her inhaler as she's asthmatic i shout for help. Mrs Fisher sent me to find it so i run to Chelsea's last class which is were my current class is suppose to be. As i ran into Toms class he looked at me like i was crazy i started rummaging around in her bag when i got it i ran out leaving my mates and Tom confused.

I stayed with Chelsea until lunch in the nurses office for support then i met up with my mates and explained what happened.

It was now the end of the day and i heard Ruth Kirby had ran away so i went to Finn's because i didn't have my key and dad was helping search so i sent him a quick text then crawled up next to Finn and watched a movie.

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