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We've been at waterloo road for around 4weeks now. Although most of us were still wearing are john fosters uniforms. Ros walked into school this morning with her new friend Phillip wearing a waterloo road uniform. I was standing at the school entrance talking to Lauren as we had become really good friends. I overheard people calling Lindsey and little Em;


'You should be locked up with your murdering mum.'

'Surprised your not locked up to.' 

I felt anger as i quickly hugged Lauren goodbye and told her I'll see her later and hurried over to them both linking my arm with each of them.

'Don't listen to them okay' i said

It was about halfway through the day i was sitting with amy as she was talking about wanting to get with Bolten Smilie. Michaela whites boyfriend. so we hatched a plan.

'hi Paul.' i said walking up to him and Bolten

'hey' he replied 

'my dads looking for you in his room'

'oh okay' he did a high five with Bolten and walked off.

'she's in there'-i said motioning to the toilets with the out of order sign on the door.

'who is' he asked totally confused.

'your new girlfriend' and with that he walked towards the toilet.

I stayed outside against a warm radiator just to make sure amy was okay.

When about 5mins layer i see Bolten come running out.

So i rush i there and see Amy with a cut on her face. I immediately grab a wet paper towel and start dabbing it sipping away all the access blood. I texted Lindsey.

Bestie💞; girls toilets now! Bolton,Amy hurt NOW! xx

2 mins later she comes rushing in and we yet again hatch another plan although i wasn't 100%sure about it i went along with it any way as me and Amy walked to find Miss Campbell head of pastoral care.

'Miss quick Amy's been assaulted.' i said as we approached her my arm slung around Amy's shoulder while she had the wet towel i previously gave her on her cut. As soon as miss took her inside all of a sudden a wave of emotions hit me and i ran from school. I heard people shouting my name but i didn't care i ran as fast as i could. 

Next thing i new i was standing over my mothers grave in hysterics. my mum died 2 years ago because of a drunk driver and its been hard on me and my dad. My mum was the art teacher at john fosters so everyone knows about it but at waterloo road no one knows i hoped for a clean start. That's why I've always loved art as its my favourite class and I hope to be an art teacher one day like mum.

Christopher Meads POV;

'Quiet down everybody' i said as my next class came through the doors. Something seemed off.

'Amy, Lindsey have you seen Lucy.' i asked 

'No sir i haven't seen her since she took me to miss campbell during 1st period.' It's 5th now i thought to myself i tired calling her voicemail.4 times that happened.Then I saw Tom walk by.

'Sambuca hand out exercise books'

'Tom' i shouted as i followed him out if the room.

'Yea' he turns around.

'Could you watch my class for a bit i can't find Lucy she hasn't been in lessons all day and her phone keeps going to voicemail.' i asked hopefully 

'Yea of course' he could clearly see the worry on my face.

That was all i need before i ran. I checked all around school grounds twice. before i finally came to the conclusion she wasn't in school property anymore. I ran to Rachel's office were her,Max and Kim were.

'Chris are you alright' Rachel said getting up as she noticed my come threw the door.

'No i can't find Lucy she's been missing since 1st period and won't answer her phone.'  

'Alright well find her' Kim reassured me so we all left school as we were searching her favorite places. I froze. Of coarse i thought to myself i jumped in the car and started driving. My theory was correct i took my phone out and sent a quick message

RACHEL,MAX,KIM,TOM; 'Found her don't worry thanks for your help I've got it.'

I slowly taking a deep breath as i approached her. Crawled up in a ball beside the grave of my late Marie my beautiful wife who was the best mum anyone could imagine. I knew her death hit Lucy hard, so i make my way over to her careful not to startle her and wrapped my arms around her. As soon as she realized it was me she burried her head in my chest sobbing her eyes out. It broke me to see my daughter like this who was always so strong breaking Infront of me.


When my dad took me in his arms i broke all over again. we stayed in that position for 2hours. I finally picked myself up and wiped my tears and intertwined are hands as we walked to the car.


My dad had let me stay of for a few days. it was now Thursday. I decided to go with dad to school. As i got out of the car he gave me a hug.

'If you need anything just come see me okay' i nodded in response.

As i watched him walk in school i stayed outside for a few mins longer when i felt arms wrap around me and i turned around and Amy,Josh and Lindsey were all hugging me. I hugged them back till the bell went and we all went of to our different classes. I and class with Lauren and Sam i sat down in my usual seat next to Lauren with sam on her other side they immediately wrapped arms around me. I'm guessing Josh told them. I just sat their enjoying the moment till Mr Clarkson walked in.

Lucy meadजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें