Movie Day: Part 2 🎦

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says Win.

- Watch all movies of this

says Nani.

- I've read all the books and trust me, the books are way better

Win replied with a smile on his face.

- Ok so, besides being a dancer you also like to read

Nani replied, picking up a book to look at.

- I have them all, if you want I can lend you

He countered Win and soon after went to another book session.

Nani waited for him to move away to observe him more discreetly.

Win was in the fantasy story section and was reading a book intently.

There was no way, Nani had to admit that this guy was really interesting, it wasn't just a matter of looks, he was smart and kind, soft-spoken... And charming!

Really charming, very charming. The kind that is charming without realizing it, without even trying, he just is, and that was putting Nani in a dangerous field while also making him tempted to explore further.

At one point Win, seeming to notice Nani's gaze, looked back at him, shyly, Nani couldn't maintain eye contact for a long time and soon disguised it.

Win walked off to another book session, and then another, and another...

Nani also did the same and explored the place a lot, he had never stayed that long in a bookstore before.

After a while, they were both in the last aisle of the bookstore, it was the romantic books session and there was no one in this session, Win seemed undecided about two books and Nani soon approached to talk:

- I didn't know I liked romantic stories 😄

- Huh me? Well, I've read some yes but I prefer another type of novel, I'm trying to choose one of these for my mom

NANIWIN: AFTER YOUOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz