10-Second Life

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Asha turned into a zombie in Jungkook's arms and the soldiers were ready to attack her. Seeing them Mark started speaking in a warning tone "What are you doing? No one will come near my sister. Is. That. Clear?" with a glare in his face. All of a sudden Lara rushed towards Asha with something on her hand. Seeing that Mark and Jungkook became defensive over Asha. "It's ok I'm just taking some blood sample for test. Believe me." She said while looking at Mark and Jungkook. After listening to her, they let her take the samples she wanted since she meant no harm and she also got the samples without any trouble, because Jungkook is hugging Asha tightly not letting her attack anyone. Jungkook never stopped trying his best to turn her back into a human.

"Please Asha...baby don't do this to me. I know I've hurt you a lot but please come back to me I can't live without you... Comeback to me just this once I'll never let you go.. never ever. I won't leave you either please...." He kept begging to Asha who is now a zombie an undead with tears falling from his eyes. His whole face is red because of all the crying.... He was crying a lot that by seeing him even an emotionless person will melt... Even a devil would melt if someone asked for something while crying and begging like he is doing right now. But still Asha didn't turn into a human again.

All this time Lilly was standing in a corner. With teary eyes. Is she guilty for what she did? Maybe? Everyone was sad because just before some moments Asha was beating up her brother, had a cute little argument with her love. Seeing her like this made everyone realise the seriousness of the situation and seeing. Everyone was standing silently being emotional seeing Jungkook begging her like that but everyone know that there is little to no chance that Asha would turn into a human again but no one dared to say a word. Even Jungkook himself know that but did not stop what he is doing.

Everyone's sad and emotional face turned into a terrified one as soon as they heard what Jungkook said. "Run away from here zombies are coming" (If you are wondering why it took so long for the zombies to show up, it is because zombies with good hearing are slow+ most of the zombies were in the ground floor and they in the second floor right now)

Everyone was standing there with teary eyes seeing him crying like that. After hearing him they came back to their senses. "Which type and how many?" asked Lucus "Ones with high hearing sense. Better hide quietly the fast ones are trying to follow those zombies." He said and warned everyone. After listening to him they started to hide in the nearby classroom after throwing out the few zombies which were inside the classroom outside the window. When Lilly was trying to hide Mark caught her and started speaking with a deadly and dark aura. "Don't you think you should experience what my sister experienced?" "No no... Please leave me I'm sorry...." Lilly begged. "Will your sorry bring her back I'm gonna feed you to the zombies..." Mark shouted back. No one stopped him, cause everyone is mad at her for what she did. Lara did try to stop him but she was stopped by Lucus and Jack.

Jungkook is still hugging her like his life depends on her. That's kinda true though she is his life. The whole day he's been trying to survive just for her to keep her safe. He's still a human just because of the love he has for Asha. But the love of his life is a zombie now and he couldn't take it anymore and he decided to end his life too...

"Are the zombies here? JUNGKOOK! Yah!" Mark shouted but Jungkook was so into his thoughts to listen to him. "Leave me Mark... Please" Lilly continued begging. "Shut the fuck up!" Mark shouted at her being deadly mad at her. Jungkook was about to let go of Asha but suddenly she hugged him back? like real tight. He was shocked and called Mark to check if he's just dreaming or its real. "Bro" Jungkook called with a weak voice. Mark turned around and he was also shocked to see what he is seeing right now... Lilly is also shocked to see her hugging Jungkook.... "Jung- Jungkook can you hear her heartbeat? JUNGKOOK!?" he shouted while letting Lilly go. "Yes bro" Jungkook said with teary eyes and a smile in his face "it's so loud and clear. Her heart is beating just like, how my heart beats whenever I'm with her" he continued with happy tears and hugged her back. "Welcome back Sis..." Mark whispered and hugged her from the back while Jungkook is hugging her from the front. Mark broke the hug moments later but Jungkook is still hugging her like if he let her go someone will take her away from him. "Thankyou. Thank you so much for coming back to me" Jungkook practically whispered while still crying. "So how is the feeling of me leaving you forever? Huh" Asha asked still hugging him. "Really bad. I hate that feeling. I'm sorry... I really am.... Please don't leave me again." Jungkook begged. "Of course I won't cause I know how it feels..." she said in a sad tone. "I came back from death to be with you so take better care of me, ok?" she said while looking at her brother and Jungkook to light up the mood. "Of course!" Jungkook said while giggling, Mark also smiled. Instead of hiding somewhere as soon as Mark let her go, Lilly is still standing there while glaring at Asha, so Mark held her hand harshly yet again. Seeing that Asha broke the hug and started speaking "Bro didn't I tell you not to beat girls leave her!" "But I can't forgive her for what she did to you" he said and started to choke her. Seeing that Asha went to Mark and tried to stop him. "Stop it Mark!" Asha shouted and he did what Asha said. Mark was angry on Asha for saving Lilly from him. After that Asha went back to Jungkook and wiped his tears away and made him get up since he was still on the floor. "Are you even sorry for what you did Lilly?" Asha started talking again because Lilly is still there trying to intake as much oxygen as she can. Lilly started speaking while still breathing heavily. "And why do you even think that I'll feel that way? You should have died why are you even alive." At this point both Mark and Jungkook lost it not only them even the others who are hiding. Mark and Jungkook was about to hit Lilly but Asha stopped them. She is holding Jungkook's and Mark's hands. But still Lilly did not stop talking nonsense. "You did something to my Jungoogie. Are you a witch? I hate you so much. Can't you just die? Die!" After saying that she was about to go to Asha to choke her but *tud* a zombie jumped on her and started biting her it was followed by some other zombies.

All of a sudden Asha held her head and fell on her knees. "What the fuck is this! Aaah! soo many noises and bloody bad smells aaah.... Why am I feeling this way... I can't take it anymore...." she screamed but even after making all these noises none of the zombies dared to attack her or Jungkook or Mark. Jungkook went to Asha and hugged her. "It's ok baby just concentrate on my voice and my sent. Try to concentrate it'll be fine." Jungkook assured her. "Yeah, sis it's because you're bitten. You're fine don't worry...." Mark also said while patting her head. After listening to them Asha tried to concentrate and she was okay after some time. By now lots of zombies started coming there and well Lilly's body is in pieces now.

"Oh no lots of zombies are coming...they'll eventually find everyone.. we should do something." Said Asha being worried about everyone's safety. "Mm I actually saw this in a drama.." Jungkook started speaking but Mark interrupted him saying "This is not a d-" and he was again interrupted by Asha "Bro wait... What is it Kook?" "They used the speakers to distract the zombies... In the drama." "This could actually work." "Yes come on let's go the Radio room(The place where the speakers and stuffs are managed)" Mark said and they started running towards the radio room but to everyone's surprise Asha is faster than both Jungkook and even Mark. She ran to the radio room and was standing in-front of the room when Mark and Jungkook reached there.

"What?" Mark asked Asha seeing her just standing there in front of the door. To which Asha said "It's locked. But I really wana open this..." She said and kicked the door being angry and the door actually flew away. Seeing that Mark and Jungkook were just standing there with their mouth open. After seeing the door flying like that Asha herself is really confused but said "mmm... Let's go inside, I guess." "Yes let's go inside" Mark agreed still being shocked, while Jungkook started speaking "You're cool.. you and your brother got some cool powers but I ca-" but stopped when Mark started speaking being irritated "Can you guys just come here now!" he shouted from inside that room and they went inside.

"Do you guys know how to do it.... I'm confused.." asked Mark to which "Nope" Jungkook and Asha replied in union and Asha continued speaking "But I might know someone who can do that." "What do you m-" Mark started speaking but stopped when Jungkook shushed him. "Bro shhh.." "You're hearing it too?" Asked Asha to Jungkook to which he replied "Yes" "Hearing what? Guys" all of a sudden Mark asked being confused. Asha went near another door that is inside the room and spoke. "Guys? please open the door we need your help here... Guys?" "They are so scared.." said Jungkook. "Yes they are.. stay away from the door.." She said and kicked the door and it flew away. "Wow! I love doing it" Asha said being exited. "Should you really do this?" asked Mark but she did not mind him and said, "Ask your friends to help us.." "My friends?" Mark asked being confused. Asha nodded as a response. Mark went inside and started speaking to the people in there being surprised "RJ... Queen are you guys alright? It's really nice to see you dude.." And they hugged each other. RJ whispered in Mark's ears "Why is your sister so strong?" to which Asha replied "That's a pretty long story. First help us to turn on the speakers which are outside the school. Play something lou-" but stopped speaking all of a sudden.

"What happened?" Jungkook asked being confused. "Mark, Kook please go and help them they are in danger... I'll take care of it here." Said Asha. But they stood there and started at her. "I'm so strong now and the zombies won't do anything to me so just go! I'll take care of them." Asha insisted. After hearing her Jungkook and Mark went to help the others. Well others are in the second floor and Asha is in the first floor in the radio room and there is this ground floor where the chairman's room and escape rooms are.

RJ finally turned on the radio outside the building and according to their plan the zombies started to go towards the sound. But the thing is the zombies saw some of the people from Lucus's team, so they are trying to attack them, Mark and Jungkook are helping them. But still Lara is trapped between some zombies and the samples she had are also in danger. All the others are busy fighting with the zombies too so they can't go to Lara to help her. The samples are really important for the research purposes to find a cure for this madness.

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