6- One stupid decision

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But Jungkook stopped on his tracks after listening to what Asha said.

"I'm gonna jump the next second you put your foot outside this door." She said sitting on the window with her legs hanging outside the building and they are two floors above right now. Mark and Miss Kim tried to go near her but stopped after hearing what Asha said. "Bro you know me well don't even try to come near me....Yah Jungkook who should go first should I ? you go out after seeing me jumping off the window.." Listening to her Jungkook stopped and started staring at her, while Jungkook was staring at Asha, Tony closed the door. "Aah Jungkook come on make a decision you are just wasting time. Wait should I just jump without wasting time?" She said and stood on the window. "No. No. No. No. please don't..." Jungkook said while Asha started speaking with a cold face and tone. "Why should I listen to you Mr Jeon Jungkook? Did you listen to me at least once?" To which "Are you insane get down from there I was just trying to save my mom! You are being too much just ge-" Jungkook said. "Shut the fuck up.... I'm not insane you are. You are an idiot. There is an escape room inside the chairman's room. Your father built it cause he had lots of enemies. You also know that. So sh-" Jungkook cut off Asha while she was speaking saying "So do you think she is safe?" He asked coming closer to her. "Of course she will be." Said Asha. "And how are you so sure and if she is all right she must have tried to save her son a-" Lilly started blabbering but was stopped by Asha saying "Cause she is a smart woman. She know if she try to come to us it will just make the situation worse and I'm sure she is watching her dear son through the cameras in the school." "Then she must have at least called him through her phone right?" said Lilly. "Since when did you start talking this much? Everyone's phone is on silent mode, so even if she called no one would know. But I don't think she will call and disturb us when we are trying to escape." Asha said while Jungkook is holding Asha so that she would not fall.

"Jungkook. Don't. Touch. Me." As soon as she said that he left her but was still standing close to her. While she continued talking, she got cutoff when Lilly "accidentally" tripped and fell on Asha and she was about to fall. But luckily at the right Jungkook caught her and pulled her inside. Mark closed the window and Jungkook hugged Asha so tight but she didn't hug him back. "What the hell is wrong with you!" Mark shouted at Lilly. While Jungkook was talking with Asha. "I almost lost you" He said hugging her more tighter. While Lilly said "It was an accident" while turning her face to the other side. Mark continued arguing with Lilly saying "I don't think so yo-" but he was cut off by Asha.

"You just hurt me a lot with your words Mr Jungkook. Don't touch me and you better stay away from me forever. She said and pushed him away from her and ran to Mark and hugged him. "And if you're really worried about your mom call her and everyone better put your phones in silent mode if it is not in silent mode. She said and hugged Mark tighter while crying on his chest. Everyone did as she said. "Are you okay little princess?" Mark asked to which she shook her head as a no and started crying more in his arms.

Jungkook tried to go near her but Mark stopped him and gave him a deadly glare saying "I told you I would kill you if you make my sister cry again..." with anger in his face and voice. "I'm really sorry bro..." Jungkook said and decided to call his mom. As soon as he called his mom, she attended the call saying "Son are you alright I saw you guys fighting with the creatures really hard on the corridor are you guys alright?" with a worried tone. "Yes, mom we are alright. Are you safe right now?" asked Jungkook. "Yes, I'm safe inside the escape room. And there are few students with me." His mom replied. "Okay mom please stay safe." he said to which his mom asked "How is Asha I saw her unconscious earlier, is she all right?" "Yes mom she is fine now" said Jungkook. "Can I please talk to her... please" she asked and he said "Okay mom I'll give the phone to her." He went near Asha who was now sitting down beside her brother while resting her head on his shoulder. She just took the phone without saying anything and Jungkook's mom spoke, "Are you alright dear? I saw you unconscious earlier. How are you now?". "I'm fine mom don't worry about me and please be safe at least for me and Jungkook" Asha said to which Jungkook's mom replied "Ok dear.. I talked to my husband he will do something soon don't worry" "Ok mom, bye" Asha said and the phone call ended.

School of The UndeadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora