4-Psycho zombie

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Simultaneously they also cleared the blocked door by throwing all the tables and chairs on the zombies and opened it. But lots of students still ended up getting attacked by the zombies and they also fainted after getting bitten. They looked like they were having a nightmare or something. Fear and confusion can be seen in their faces. After few seconds or minutes, they also started turning into zombies and attacking others. The time taken to turn into a zombie after getting bitten is different for everyone. Asha was leading everyone and Jungkook never left her side while Mark and his friend Joe were in the end defending the zombies since they had some fighting skills too.

They were running as fast as they could...And the zombies kept chasing them. A zombie with messed hair, bloody face on which one side of it's cheek is bitten and ripped out almost caught Mark and was about to bite him. Joe wanted to help his friend but he couldn't because of the zombies surrounding him, the other students were afraid of their own lives so they didn't dare to help him.... Mark is still struggling to escape from the zombies. When the zombie was about to bite him *bang* Miss Kim hit the zombie on the head with a chair from the classroom and helped both Mark and Joe to escape the zombies.

They tried to go downstairs but the girl Ceety from Mark's class who turned into zombie showed up out of nowhere. She was completely focused on Asha. No matter how much they attack, it still tried to attack Asha. Asha understood this and started running away from the other students. Jungkook didn't expect her to do that, but he started to follow her as soon as he noticed her. "Don't follow me Kook you might get hurt" said Asha. But he didn't listen to her. Seeing him still following her Asha decided to fight the zombie in the corridor since there are only very few zombies seen on the corridor they are at.

While the other students ended up in the chemistry lab. Everyone's scared because they almost died over there...and they are also sad remembering all their friends who died there... But "Where is my sister and that idiot?" Mark screamed. To which Lucy answered "That girl from your class showed up all of a sudden and it looked like she only targeted your sister so she ran away from us and Jungkook, he followed her" "What?" Mark said aggressively and went outside from the chemistry lab to search for his sister. Joe also followed him.

On the other hand, there were few zombies on the corridor were Asha and JUNGKOOK are with that psycho zombie. She is like any other zombies but somehow, she seems to identify Asha. Her face is full of blood now, looks like she took the life out of someone, her hair and uniform are messy, her eyes are fixed on Asha and she is so fast.

It was easy for them to beat up other zombies and throw them out of the window but this girl from Mark's class is different from them. She is faster and stronger than the other zombies they fought with. She keeps on trying to attack Asha. Eventually Asha became unconscious after hitting her head on the wall while fighting with that psycho zombie. That psycho zombie tried to bite Asha but Jungkook stopped her by pulling her away from Asha. So that psycho zombie started attacking Jungkook while Asha is still unconscious. It almost bit him but Mark and Joe came at the right time. Mark pulled the psycho zombie away from Jungkook and Joe kicked it out of the window.

Jungkook ran towards Asha and tried to wake her up but she was not responding. "Did she get b-bitt-" "No" Jungkook cut off Mark. "Then why is she unconscious?" asked Joe. "Because she was pushed hard by that psycho zombie from your class and her head hit on the wall. That is why she became unconscious" answered Jungkook. "Ok it's not safe to be here let's go to the chemistry lab." said Mark.

Jungkook carried Asha on his back while Joe and Mark are taking care of the zombies on their way. While running Asha finally woke up. Because of that everyone got distracted. At that time a zombie almost bite Mark. But Asha jumped off from Jungkook's back and kicked that zombie away from Mark. Finally, they reached the chemistry lab and knocked the door. By seeing them the students inside immediately opened the door. They went inside without wasting any time and locked the door again. "Aaa my head hurts really bad" said Asha sitting down in the chemistry lab while resting her back on the wall. Mark started massaging Asha's head after listening to her. Jungkook sat near her as she pulled him by holding his hand. Asha rested her head on Jungkook's shoulder and rested a bit after the long fight and chase.

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