2-The begining

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Jungkook's pov:

Next day I got up early to get ready for school. I guess she forgave me I'm gonna talk to her today and I should definitely ask her why she left like that while I was sleeping. "Have your breakfast Kook" my mom shouted "No mom I wanna go to schoooool~" I sang back and went to school happily.

Asha's pov:

I had a really hard time yesterday because of my brother. It was really hard for me to convince him to eat last night. Why is he even that mad at me? He loves me so much, I guess. "Good morning!" My brother said with a happy face and I replied him with the same energy. " Why are you making so many sandwiches we won't eat this much" my brother asked me. To which I replied "I don't think that idiot will have his breakfast today" " Why do you even care about him so much and I don't think he will skip his breakfast and why do you think he would skip his breakfast?" He was asking so many questions to me to which I answered " Because he must be so happy today" "Who in the right mind would skip breakfast if they are happy? An-" he was about to say something but my phone started ringing and I showed the caller id to my brother with a smirk on my face and he was kind of shocked seeing the caller id.

It was from Kook's mom I answered the phone and put it on speaker mode for my brother to hear the conversation and talked to Kook's mom. "Good morning mom" "Good morning, dear" she answered. "What's it why did you call mom?" I asked to which she said "It's because of this Jeon Jungkook he didn't have his breakfast today. He looked so happy and kept smiling like an idiot I asked him to eat but he ran away to school..." she said with a sigh. Hearing that Mark started to speak with a shocked expression "Are you a mutant or something? Do you have super powers? How did you actually...how did you know it before she even called?" Hearing that Kook's mom spoke with confusion "Woh what's happening there?" To which Mark replied "Mom she actually made lots of sandwiches today I asked her why and she replied it's for that idio- I mean Jungkook because he would probably skip his breakfast. I also asked her why he would skip his breakfast to which she said he must be so happy today, and you just called and confirmed it." "Wow! How did you know dear?" Kook's mom asked to which I said "I have known him for years now he didn't change much" "Then why is he so happy?" She asked with curiosity and my brother was also waiting for my answer. "Because I ignored him the whole day and finally, I talked to him at night so he must have thought I forgave him" "So you are still mad at him!?" Mark and Kook's mom asked in union. To which I said "Of course! He left me for years. Do you think I'll go easy on him? Never! Bye mom we have to go to school now" With that the phone call ended.
My brother actually ate his breakfast while talking on the phone and I had my breakfast after the phone call and packed two sandwiches and took a banana milkshake from the fridge for that idiot..

Finally, I reached the school with my brother in his bike. Once we removed our helmets all the students started staring at us while talking within themselves. I just ignored everything and went inside to get annoyed by a bunch of girls near the entrance and they are here to see that idiot Jungkook. "Did everyone forgot what the principal announced yesterday or should I ask the principal to remind you?" hearing me everyone went away. "Are you jealous or something?" Asked the idiot with his eyes filled with curiosity and guess what I just ignored his existence and started walking to the class " Woah why are you still ignoring me?" he asked to which I just chuckled..."What?" He asked with a pout on his face, and this time I replied " You must be out of your mind Mr Kook since you are hungry. You expect me to forgive you? (I chuckled) who am I to forgive you anyways?" "Can't you just stop ignoring me? And how did you know I am hungry? I shouldn't have skipped the breakfast" he said with a sad pout still following me. So, I gave him one of the sandwiches that I packed for him and he was so surprised seeing it. "Is this for me! For real! Wow!" He exclaimed..." Just eat it " I said with a done face. Finally, we reached the class and he finished his sandwich and said " Wow it's really tasty but it woul-" he stopped talking when I kept the other sandwich and the banana milkshake in front of him. "Wow! Are you a mind reader?" He asked with a cute bunny smile on his face. "You know me really well, don't you?" "Stop talking and eat. The class is about to start" I said with a poker face and he also finished his sandwich as well as his banana milkshake before the class started. I am not talking with him though he tried his best to console me...

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