eleven:: when your "bully" brings his buddies.

Start from the beginning

"I'm not letting this go. You helped me and regardless of Paul, I still see you as a friend. And I'm not fucking him, dude."

I watched as he rolled his eyes, turning around before discretely checking his surroundings and heading towards lunch, "Whatever..."

"Pete-" I tried, his hand coming up to indicate that he knew already.

"Yeah, we're talking later, I get it."

: : :

"Where were you man?" Benji had asked urgently as I'd made my way go the cafeteria. There was a crowd by the exit doors that led to the student parking lot and it was hard enough getting to my table.

"Talking to a friend," I muttered, stopping slightly when I'd heard my name thrown into the air. I dismissed it was another rumor flying around and gestured to the crowd, "what's up?"

Benji bit his lip, starting to explain before thinking better of it, shaking his head and grabbing my arm, hauling me through the crowd and towards the doors, "C'mon..."

The sun hit me like a ton of bricks as I walked out, it was the first hot day in who knows how long and I was desperately seeking a bottle of water and maybe a wet rag. But all of that went plummeting down when I'd taken in the sight of all the commotion.

I never thought Calum would stoop so low. I'd expected the defacing of my locker and the taunting comments, I'd even expected when he spray painted and toilet papered my house.

But this was a new low.

Calum had flattened all my dad's tires, smashed the driver and passenger windows and the surface was covered in a substance I could only describe as egg.

And I was watching Calum and his football buddies with him, my rage blinding me as I followed them behind the school. It was shaded by the large-scale school building and smelled of vomit and sweat but I didn't care as I unknowingly carried on. I didn't pay mind to the two figures standing there suspiciously in front of me.

But when I was surrounded, the guy in front pulling down his hood and a mop of blonde hair showing, my heartbeat quickened. Calum looked behind me and I felt a tight grip on my arms, holding me back as I struggled.

And as the fists came flying, I wasn't prepared, a searing pain flowing through me as I heard a crack. My jaw was throbbing even worse than before and my mouth was bleeding.

My adrenalin was pumping as my own blood choked me, the punches to my abdomen making it harder to breathe. I tried to thrash, desperately maki as much noise as I could but it was getting harder to fight as Calum spat in my face, landing a quick punch to the left side of my face.

I'd have fallen to my knees if I wasn't being supported by his goons.

Coughing up, the pain that was once in my nose was rushing back with a strong punch , my head whipping back as my vision became blurry. I was sure that it was broken, my arms becoming numb with the grip they had on me. And I felt on fire, I felt nauseous, I felt dead. My hearing was starting to zone in and out, my sides being hit repeatedly.

"Man, get the fuck off!" I heard yelling as he'd tried to rip through to push some guy off of me but there was only one of him and there were three guys holding me back. I saw Benji's fist come in contact with some guy's stomach but he was tackled almost immediately. I heard his head hit the ground with a loud smack but he didn't stop there, Calum, distractedly tried to break that apart as I caught my breath, it coming out in pants.

I couldn't see.

"Hey, what the hell? Seriously seven against two?"

I felt myself falling, a sharp pain searing up my arm, I felt my arm being crushed, the bone falling out if it's socket. There were a few words exchanged that I wasn't able to hear over the pounding in my head.

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