(53): Dear Future Husband

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*So, it's pretty much the pre-honeymoon stage. It's the sweetest thing. It's going to be entirely cheesy this time, before I make it incredibly dramatic and suck-ish by fulfilling Nicky's lifelong dreams. Also, Ian's married. Hearts broken everywhere, but I swear, I think it's actually time for Ian to be happy. We should just let them be happy together and stop bashing Nikki. He loves her, she loves him. I guess nothing else matters. Also, no more TVD, for me anyway. Thanks for reading the last chapter. Here you are. Meghan Trainor is the bomb

Nina's POV

I let Ian go and stood up to get started on the dishes - the ones that weren't broken anyway. As soon as I entered the kitchen, my mom was standing there, clearing the broken ceramic.

"I'm so sorry, Mum," I said, shaking my head.

"Oh sweetie, you scared me," she said. "Come on now, it's nothing really. It was actually fun to see you two like that. It reminded me of me and your father. Although, we never really got around to breaking dishes and falling flat on the kitchen floor."

I smirked and made my way to the sink. I didn't know why, but somehow, it felt like I wasn't sure about everything. "You guys must have gone through so much to stay together," I said silently. "It must have been difficult."

"It still is," she said. "But it doesn't matter. All that matters is we go through all of that together."

"Mum, I don't know what to do," I sighed, starting to rinse the very few dishes left in the sink.

"Sweetie, what do you mean?" she asked, setting the broom down. "Don't tell me you're having second thoughts about this."

I shook my head, lathering some dishwashing liquid on the sponge. "Not at all, Mum," I answered. "I just, don't know if Ian's going to want to stay married to me."

"Nina!" she scolded. "You haven't even gone through the wedding yet. Now, you're worried that Ian is going to leave you already? Nina, dear. That's an awful way to think about this."

"I just don't know if I'm going to fit into his expectation of me as a wife," I answered, setting the plate down. "What if I suck as a wife?"

She made her way to me and turned me to face her. "Are you honestly asking me this?" she asked. "Oh sweetie, come on. You are not going to suck as a wife."

"You don't know that," I answered back.

"No, I don't," she answered. "But I do know that your father and I raised you well. We raised you with all the love you deserve. You grew up into a smart, gorgeous, caring woman, and that's always going to count. You are going to be a phenomenal wife."

"If Ian can put up with me for that long," I answered.

"Nina, stop," she said. "Sweetheart, please. I know that you and Ian have gone through all kinds of awful, but you always find a way to find each other. You keep finding him, he keeps finding you. You two are never going to 'put up' with each other."

I bit my lip. "I just think that he has this idea of a perfect wife in his head. The kind of wife that his childhood best friend could have been or the type of wife that Trish would have been to him."

"Nina, are you honestly comparing yourself with that God awful woman?" she asked. "You do know that if Ian heard you saying these preposterous things, he would lose it."

I shrugged. "I just-."

"Nikolina," she said, taking my face in her hands. "Whatever is going on, please stop thinking about it. You are trying too hard to find fault in your relationship. Sweetie, you're doing it again."

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