Chapter I - Orbit-Deep in the Dead

Start from the beginning

"No need to thank me." she said in a teasing tone.

"Come on." Anakin muttered back, the embarrassment beginning to hit him.

Ahsoka persisted. "What is this? Your off day or something?" she said sarcastically. R2-D2 beeped excitedly.

"Oh get a grip you two! And no you can't!" Anakin fired back at them both.

"US, get a grip? Ha!" Ahsoka responded with a laugh. R2 beeped in agreement. "And yes, you can Artooie, you can ride with me next time." eliciting a squeal from the blue astromech, as well as a cry from the red one docked on her own interceptor. "Oh come on R7, you both can take turns." She said to her droid

"Don't do that to me buddy." Anakin playfully pleaded to R2.

"You didn't answer my question, what's got you so out of it today? This part of the job is usually your specialty." Ahsoka asked.

"Heh-What do you mean? Every part of the job is my specialty, clearly." Anakin responded, easily faking confidence.

A large smirk appeared on Ahsoka's face "Riiiiiiiight. Clearly." She said. Once again, R2 beeped in agreement

"Alright focus you two. We're here." Anakin said as they closed in on the Resolute. The area around was becoming a mechanical graveyard. destroyed ships littered the space around them, now more intensely, with fire and smoke filling the vacuum. The Republic cruiser had a few of its offensive turrets blown apart. At the damage sights, packs of cacodemons stood consuming the metal and shooting away at any incoming Republic fighters willing to disturb their mealtime. The bridge had a swarm of Torrent starfighters circling around it ensuring that none of the demons would go near it. Anakin began to feel uneasy as he checked their numbers. When he headed out with Ahsoka to help in the assault on the blockade, there were about a hundred starfighters defending the bridge, now it seemed like only a quarter remained.

"Master! Coric and his squadron are stuck in a deadlock beneath the Resolute. I sense.. I sense... 63. 63 of the brown challenged are holding him and his forces down." Ahsoka reported.

"Copy. Let's get a move on. We can take out the mortally challenged while their focus is on the Y-Wings."

"Jeez, using your own soldiers as bait? That's pretty low. We should find you a new nickname other than Skyguy." Ahsoka responded

Anakin shrugged. "Well While you see it as me taking advantage of them, I see it as not missing an opportunity." He said steering towards the ship's hull, and right into an unsuspecting cacodemon, the creature belched with slothful energy, unmoving and unsuspecting, enjoying the fruits of its labor as it had landed a shot right onto a torrent starfighter, causing it to spiral out of control in a burst of flames, and crash into another unsuspecting besh fighter. Thankfully Anakin was able to activate his blasters in time to tear the thing to shreds, preventing his interceptor from being destroyed, but covering his cockpit with blood and guts, leaving the Jedi knight to give a revolting reaction.

"Anakin! Pay attention to your flying!" Obi-Wan Kenobi said as he appeared on a holoprojector by Anakin's side.

"That's going to be much harder with you right there." Anakin responded

"For the love of- what is with you today?" Ahsoka questioned. "Something is clearly distracting you. Did you leave something down there?" She pressed and motioned towards the surface of Coruscant. The planet's surface was burning like never before. Pieces of the planet's crust were decimated, exposing the planet's mantle for the first time in centuries. The planet's surface was also adorned with demonic symbols and texts. Large engravings covered tens of thousands of miles like stamps on the planet. It was as if the invaders had effectively written their own names onto the world, to claim it as their own. To further prove that this was now their world, they needed to prevent any travel. The demons clearly don't like to share, they would not have anyone come in or out. Therefore, the mortally challenged unleashed an incomprehensibly large force of cacodemons and pain elementals into the space around the planet. Their airborne attackers would show anyone what happens when they touch that which belongs to hell The demonic force completely encapsulated the world on all ends. The creatures may be relatively weak compared to their terrain-based fellows. But in such large numbers, they were a force to be reckoned with to say the least, especially against the slow and large cruisers that the Republic ordered to dispatch reinforcements to the hellified planets.

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