Part 15- Short chapter

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As I stepped back outside, Olivia was laying down where I had left her.

She looked so beautiful.
Her hair in her face, shinning in the setting sun. Her lips a rose red, skin looking so soft.

I smiled as I approached.
"Mmh... babe your back" Olivia noted as she saw me.

"Come here" I said lifting her up to her feet.
I dragged her in front of the pool, having us in the middle of the sunset.

"Why did you drag me here?" Olivia questioned.
"Because..." I started speaking.
"I've wanted to do something since the day I met you but we were too young"

She gave me a confused look.
Before she could say something I put my finger to her perfect lips.

"Olivia... I loved you from the first time we met and I will never forget that, we have been through so much together and it has lead us up to this" I said spreading my hands to show our new house again.

"So, on this day, while we stand in the sunset and look upon the ocean, my love and my one and only..." I finished and got down on one knee.

"Will you marry me?" I said opening the box to reveal the gold ring with a blue sapphire gemstone.

Olivia was shocked and started crying.
With her tears came a nod and a...
"Yes Ethan, I will marry you"

I got up and slid the ring on her finger.
She stared at it in amazement before pulling my face in for a kiss.

It was the best afternoon of my life.

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