Part 6

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It was 10:01am when I woke up.
I looked over to were Olivia was and saw that she was still sleeping.
I thought that now was my time.
I really wanted to know if she liked me the same way I liked her.
(Don't ask why I am doing it now)

I quietly got out of bed and took my shirt off.
I sat down next to sleeping Olivia.
I moved her bankers upward and slid under them so i was laying next to her.
I gently put my arm around her just below her chest area. She moved a little but didn't wake up.
Instead, to my surprise, she moved back closer to me!
I was starting to question her saying that she didn't have a crush on me or something. (Can't remember exactly) but she gave me the feeling I was the only one out of both of us that had a crush on her.
Olivia has now been exposed.

I was kinda happy.
Olivia had turned around to face me in her sleep.
She snuggled up to me, tucking her head into my chest, with her legs placed below mine.
I never felt so like... protected in a way and loved. Dam I really loved this girl.
I wanted her to be my everything and mine. I would die to have her.

Olivia obviously felt very safe as she was sleeping, while cuddling me for what seemed like a while.
I was about to drift off to sleep again.
When a sudden force shoved me back.

I rubbed my eyes and stared at the shocked eyes of Olivia.
"What the fuck Ethan?!" She yelled.
"I was getting a good night sleep and I wake up to this!" She added.
"Hey, you can't say anything" I said.
"You were the one coming closer to me" I added.

Olivia blushed until her cheeks were bright red. "Uhhh...... no" she said, still blushing like crazy.
"That wasn't a very convincing no" I said.
"Forget it!" She ended the topic.
That girl was hiding something, I could tell by how hard she was blushing when I noticed how she was the one who snuggled up to me.
"Let's just go and eat, I'm starving" she rushed.
She walked out the door and turned left to go to the stairway.
I sighed and went out.

Of course I changed clothes first.
I went downstairs to the kitchen where I found Olivia pouring milk into her cereal.
She ignored me as I got my own bowl of cereal and a glass of apple juice.
I was still trying to process what had just happened. How she fucking snuggled up to me! Gosh it was great but I hated how she denied the whole event AND is now acting as if it never happened.

I sat next to her at the dinning table.
She had her hand in her hair, her elbow resting on the corner of the table, eating her breakfast with a very straight face.
I hated the silence. It made it a million times more awkward.
I kept my cool and just minded my own business.

"What ya thinking about?" I finally had the courage to say something, somehow.
She looked up at me in my eyes and looked back down.
"Nothing" she sighed.

Another awkward silence for about a minute.

Olivia cleared her throat.
"So... Mr great ideas... how are we gonna... I guess... get rid of the thing for good?"
She tried explaining without making it sound cringe, childlike or weird.
I thought for a second and then started explaining.
"Well...... I was thinking maybe... at.. 4-5am we go over to the house. That means we have time before the sun rises... which should be at 6am"
"All we have to do in the mean time is... occupy it, I guess"
I finished explaining.
"Great, it's like a survive or die thing?" Olivia guessed.
I nodded. "I guess that's one way to put it" I agreed.

"Basically, we just have to get it outside and occupy it so it doesn't wonder off into another house or something" I summed it up.
Olivia agreed.
"Please don't just leave me to mess with it and shit" I begged.
Olivia giggled a little.
"I'll try" she joked.
I rolled my eyes. I feel like such a simp.
"Let's finish breakfast and sort that out later" I said.
Olivia smiled before going back to eating.

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