Part 4

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Olivia, Rebecca, Leo and I, snuck back into my house through the front door again. Sneaking past the bottom floor and up the stairs, trying not to make a single sound.

Me and Olivia went into my bedroom (don't think dirty like that.... Really!?)
"Wow, my old bedroom was similar to this" Olivia said as she walked into my room.
I shut the door when I walked in.
"I'll have to explain to my parents about you being here, when they wake up" I pointed out.
"Meh... as long as I don't have to stay at that amusement park, I'd rather that and I'm fine with it" she replied.
"Didn't really like it there?" I guessed.
"Duh... it was disgusting and I'm covered in bruises and blood from it... I look like I murdered someone" she stated.

A while later:
Olivia ended up sleeping in my room while Leo slept in Rebecca's.
Gods knows how... Leo and Rebecca have became like BFF's though very quickly and they were the younger ones. I guess I understand why...

Honestly, I didn't mind the fact that she was sleeping in my room.
I know you may think I'm sounding like a creep but I can guarantee that, that's not the case.
At least I'm not stalking her on social media and taking random photos of her like some of you people.

Olivia was out like a light. I, on the other hand, found it very difficult to sleep... especially with everything that has just happened.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, it sounded and seemed as if Olivia was having nightmares.
Thinking quickly, I jumped out of bed and kept shaking her, saying her name till she woke up.

Olivia's eyes went wide and bloodshot with fear... before falling into my arms and started crying.
Most awkward situation ever.
Olivia was in my arms hugging me tight and crying into my chest for about 5 minutes.
"It's okay... I'm here" I kept saying to her.

After that 5 minutes she had settled down a bit. I asked her "what's wrong... tell me?"
Olivia pulled away and sat up with her knees tucked tightly into her chest, using her arms to keep them there.
"I'm fine..." she whimpered, still wiping away tears.
I held her by both of her shoulders tight, "no your not, tell me now Liv" I firmly said.
She looked up at me. "Okay... mainly Bec you said the nickname my mother would use"

Olivia took a few deep breaths and told me everything that was on her chest, just spilling it all.

"Well..... when I was a little girl, the thing I loved most was my parents. They didn't care that I was this badass girl. Nothing ever sacred me, but now... I'm haunted by the same day that happened like 3 years ago" Olivia sniffed.

" what actually happened that night?" I asked. I could tell by her facial expression she didn't want to talk about it... but she told me anyway.

"About 3 years ago, in house number 19 at midnight, me and Leo were woken up by noises downstairs. As the noises got more strange and terrifying, we decided to get a escape plan ready and have something to climb down from my window with. We tied sheets together that reached the ground.
Suddenly... we heard the screams of our parents, and heard our mothers last cry's... 'kids run' she screamed. Everything then went horribly silent, so we went to go check it out. Just in case we left the front door unlocked and opened if we had to make a quick escape.
I poked my head around the corner of my parents bedroom door, which their room is downstairs, and there..... I saw...... some sort of monster or....... I don't exactly know..... but it...... it....... It killed my parents...... and... eating them...... it was covered in fresh blood and it flashed its big teeth at me.
I screamed..... slammed the door shut and yelled at Leo and grabbed his arm to run to the abandon amusement park, hoping that it wouldn't follow or couldn't catch up. We sprinted out of the front door and leaving it open Bec we didn't have time to shut it....................... that was the last time we were ever heard from again. No one reported us missing until last year in March and our parents bodies.... Well... I don't know what happened to them. All I know is that nobody has ever gone in that house again" She finished there.

"How did you know all that stuff afterwards?" I asked. "I saw it on a old newspaper I found and I went back to look at the house a few months after me and Leo being reported missing, I saw that it has been blocked off with the police tape" Olivia explained.
"It's also known to be haunted as well and Liv, whatever is in there, we will have to find it... and figure out a way to kill it" I said.
"It eats humans, so it's probably a cannibal... and if it's some sort of a monster it may die in similar ways to other monsters" I explained.

Olivia nodded and said "thanks... Ethan... and this is a fucking weird and stupid request... but do you have any spare clothes around her I can borrow?" I just smiled at her request and replied with "yeah, I'm sure you'd fit in some of my clothes"

I gave Olivia a pair of black sweatpants, with a white T-shirt and a black oversized hoodie. (I look good in the colour black okay) the clothes fitted fine and sorry but it made her just look impossibly hotter again.

I couldn't help myself by saying this when she walked back into my room "wow, lookin good cutie"
Olivia rolled her eyes at me and said "wow, another 'badass boy' who likes what he sees who obviously doesn't have better things to do than look at girls like me"
I was impressed by her perfect eye roll and she definitely bites when you attack her, as in she says shit back.

"Stop admiring me and tell me where your fucking food is... I haven't eaten in ages" she demanded. I stood up from sitting on my bed and said "well, okay badass princess, let's go get breakfast" I walked past the door and she shoved her elbow into my ribs and said "don't call me princess, ever" she walked past me as I held my right side ribs. When I walked out the door Olivia was standing at the edge of the stairway down saying "are you coming or what?" "Yeah, yeah" I replied. "Says the one who elbowed me in the ribs" I said walking to stand next to her.
I gently pushed her and ran down the stairs. "You little-" Olivia said rushing down after me.

When we got to the bottom of the stairs Olivia shoved me in the back. I laughed and rubbed her head so her hair was messy. She fixed up her hair right when my mum came out from her bedroom.

I thought it was the perfect time to introduce Olivia. (And that Leo is here as well)
"Hey mum" I said.
"Morning honey" she replied. She looked at Olivia.
"Who's this hon?" She asked, a little confused.
I was very tempted to say girlfriend but I managed to say "she's a new friend, this is Olivia and her little brother Leo is with Rebecca"
"Well, nice to meet you Olivia, do your parents know where you are?" My mum asked.
Olivia looked like she was gonna burst into tears any second... I quickly explained the main things to my mum.
"Awww sweetie, it's very kind of you to help her, and you can stay for as long as you need Olivia" my mother said to her. Olivia smiled.

"I have pancakes ready, now go out and eat, you must be starving" I thanked my mum and me and Olivia walked over to the kitchen. Me and Olivia both got a stack of 3 pancakes.

After we had eaten, it was obvious Olivia felt so much better after eating.
"Feeling better now?" I asked.
"Yeah.... Thanks.." she replied a little quietly.
Leo and Rebecca finally decided to join us for breakfast as we saw them walk into the kitchen, rubbing their half asleep eyes.
"How are you two up so early" Leo said yawning.
"I think it is you two who are up late" I said. Olivia had a giggle at that.
"Hurry up and eat now" I said.
"We've got shit to discuss" I added.

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