Part 8

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"Find a spot near the door to hide" I whispered to Olivia.
He questioned me with a look.
"We have to make noise to bring it here so then we will use our torches to push it outside but we can't do that if we don't hide" I explained as quietly as I could.
I think she got it.

"I'll hide behind the big plant pot" she whispered.
I looked around and probably the best option was gonna be to go behind the door.
"I'll go behind the door" I whispered back.
She gave me a thumbs up.
"Now what?" She asked.
"Make a lot of noise" I replied.
"What?" She questioned.

Before I answered I sung the door open, letting it crash against the wall behind it. The creaking noise was so loud I covered my ears.
Olivia found a small, empty plant pot next to the large one with the tree in it.
She threw it towards her parents room door. It crashed on the floor breaking into hundreds of pieces.
Stamping our feet against the floorboards, banging against the door, throwing whatever we could find around the house.

I heard a door creak from the direction where Olivia's parents room is.
The place we found the monster thing in the first place when we came here.
"Hide" I said.
Olivia rushed behind the large plant pot.
I rushed to my place behind the door keeping it wide open.

I didn't dare breath or move a millimetre, not even open my mouth or anything.
I could hear the soft noises of the monsters footsteps, creeping closer and closer to the front door.
Since it's dumb, probably doesn't know that it is a trap but that's a bonus for us.
Disadvantage however... it can go invisible, has large claws, sharp teeth.
Yeah a lot of things which we cannot do. The only we have to kill it is light.

I side stepped more into the open.
It had been 5 minutes or something.
The thing walked painfully slow.
I quickly slid back into place when I realised it was only a few metres away but it was still to far away from the door.

Another 5 minutes later.
I quickly checked my watch. 5:32am.
We still had around 30 minutes.
I took a peek again, except I quickly went back as the monster thing was uncomfortably close.
So close to the point where we could go take action.

Another like 2-3 minutes later, I took another peek.
It was literally 3 steps away from being in a perfect spot.
I anxiously waited.
1 more step, come on!

"Go" I said.
Olivia heard me and came out of her hiding spot. Torch on.
I came out from behind the disgusting door as well. Torch on.
We both directed the light towards the monster.
It hissed and stepped back outside to avoid the light as it was obviously hurting it badly.

It rushed as fast as it could out and into the streets.
I closed the door shut so it couldn't get back in.
"Distract it" I said.
"Right" she replied.
We rushed onto the streets.
It was difficult as it was extremely hard to see it, we had to distract it, to avoid it creeping into another house making it all sketchy and creepy.

Me and Olivia took turns to distract it as it was like I said earlier, more difficult than it looked.
It snuck up on me about 5 times within what felt like 2 minutes but was probably something like 5-10 minutes.
I was getting exhausted already.
I felt my blood boil inside from how scared I felt about this.
I was cold, my bare skin covered with goosebumps that decorated my skin.
My head ached and I was starting to sweat.

Olivia noticed that.
"Need a break?" She asked.
I breathed heavily.
"Nah, I'll be fine. Can you distract it longer so I can check the time?" I asked.
"Yep, okay" she replied.

I went over to the side of the pathway and sat down.
I took a few breaths.
I rubbed my hands around my bare skin as a attempt to warm it up a bit.
Even rubbing my hands against my clothes to get them warm as well.
My hands went a little white and the tips of my fingers were going blue from the icy wind.
I looked at my watch. 5:57am.
Only 3 minutes. Okay.

I got back up to give Olivia a break as well.
It wouldn't be fair if I got a break but she didn't.

I'm leading this stupid thing away as Olivia say down on the pathway, warming up her arms with her hands and putting them behind her head to open up her chest area in order to breath.

I watched as the monster sluggishly walked towards me. Baring it's teeth, hissing and trying to grasp and attack me with its claws when it got closer.
Of course, I stayed away cause I don't want to be it's next meal or leave Olivia to fight it by herself.
She was already scared enough.
We had also developed a friendship, I don't think she would want to witness me die, as she has already lost her parents and her brother is in a lot of pain with a busted arm.

She gone through enough and it made me angry how all her pain is because of this stupid motherfucker.

Olivia got back up and flashed her torch to get its attention.
It turned, hissed and started to walk towards her.
I looked at the time on my watch. 6:01am.
What the hell??
The sun hasn't raised yet but it's past 6.
I looked on the time when the sun was meant to rise.
To my horror it changed to 6:05am!!
Great! Another 4 minutes!!

I was about to hit myself when I noticed that Olivia was looking around like a maniac.
'What the fuck is she doing?' I asked myself.
I had a horrible thought.
'Did she lose the thing?' I questioned.
I didn't see it anywhere.
Ah, this is just perfect.
(I'm being sarcastic by the way)

It has been about 2 and a half minutes since we last saw it and I was getting worried.
I desperately hoped that it didn't fuck off into another house.
I began thinking of the worst.
I looked on one side of the road and Olivia looked on the other.
Where the hell was it?
I couldn't believe it.
How can it just disappear into thin air.
Well, I know it is invisible but like surely it can't be like that for so long maybe?......

-few seconds later-

I looked over to where Olivia was.
I was horrified by what I saw...
The monster was BEHIND HER!
She had no idea though!
Too busy looking around but behind her!!
I couldn't let Olivia become a stupid, cannibals early morning breakfast.
I didn't think, I ran towards Olivia.

"OLIVIA!" I yelled.
She looked at me, probably confused to why I was running towards her worried.
The monster closed in.
I ran faster.
Just in time, I pushed Olivia out the way.
She fell into the pathway, landing on her side.

I wasn't so lucky.
The monsters long sharp claws dug into the skin of my shoulder and everything else inside.
The pain was enormous, it shot through all my body and I started feeling nauseous.
I went a little light headed as well.
I felt the blood pouring from inside my body onto my skin, dripping onto the road, coating my arm and shoulder in fresh red blood.
I covered it with my hand, giving it a good coat of blood as well.

I fell on my knees on the road.
Clutching onto my demolished shoulder, painting my body in blood.
I groaned and yelled in pain, I thought I was gonna faint for a second or throw up.

Olivia on the other hand was probably gonna yell something like 'what the actual fuck is wrong with you!?'
Instead... she yelled but then stopped.
"Ethan! What the..."
She was probably scared, horrified yet disgusted by the sight of me, coated in a nice layer of my own blood, fresh from my body.
Groaning in pain on my knees.

Olivia hurried onto her hands and knees, crawling towards me, almost bursting into tears.
"You fucking idiot!" She said in tears.
"Why?... why?... why did you do that?" She added, her face red and wet with tears.
She took out a bandage from the pockets of the baggy pants which I gave her.
She removed my hand and gently wrapped my shoulder in the bandage, adding a bit of pressure to try stop the bleeding.

Olivia was still in tears.
"Your a dumbass" she said in tears.
"I will never understand why you did such a thing" she was in tears as she said all this.
I reached up to place my hand on her cheek.
She let me instead of slapping my hand away.
"Because..." I started speaking, trying to ignore the pain.
"It's what friends do... and..." I added.
"And what?" She asked still in tears.
"Tell me" she demanded.
I reached for her ear.
"And... Olivia... I... I love you" I whispered into her ear.

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