𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝕰𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙

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Present Day

The battle was a bloody massacre. The Blackburn wolves fell perfectly into each and every trap Grayson had set up for them. And yet, as Lorenzo had more soldiers with him, a direct confrontation was inevitable. Crimson pooled onto the dirt in the forgotten warehouse district, and the howl of wolves grew loud enough to shake the earth.

The two largest wolves, one with charcoal gray fur and one with a pitch black coat, threw themselves at each other. Grayson and Lorenzo rolled each other into the dirt, and though extra wolfsbane was running through Lorenzo's veins tonight, he was still the stronger one. His jaws snapped at the younger wolf's flesh, and soon, Grayson wasn't just fighting for victory anymore- He was fighting for his life.

Then, the snow white wolf entered the battlefield, and pounced at the black one. Lorenzo didn't recognize his daughter at first, and even when he did, he refused to believe what his brain was telling him. But his eyes soon found the numerous scars that lined the white wolf's body, and a terrifying growl rumbled out of his throat in response.

Forgetting all about how it was Grayson Briare he'd come here to kill, Lorenzo lunged for his daughter, dead set on tearing her to shreds. Above all else, he loathed betrayal the most, and this... This was too much for his sanity to handle.

His fangs sank into Bianca's shoulder. A nightmarish roar echoed through the air, one that came exploding out of Grayson's mouth. He tore at Lorenzo with his claws, more furious than he'd ever been before. An alpha's bite was fatal to all ordinary wolves, as everyone knew, and the bite Lorenzo had given Bianca was no small nip.

The battle raged on around Bianca Blackburn, the rest of the world oblivious to how she was drawing closer to certain death. She could already feel the poison making its way through her system, moving for her heart.

Maybe it was the extra wolfsbane Lorenzo had consumed, or perhaps it was the fact that Grayson's attacks were being fueled by fury and terror unlike anything he'd known in his life. No one would ever no the true reason behind what happened next: Grayson practically ripped off Lorenzo's front leg and sent the legendary alpha collapsing onto the ground.

The gray wolf started to whimper. He nudged the white wolf with his head, tried to get her back onto her feet. The world was turning hazy in Bianca's vision, she couldn't see nor hear quite clearly...

Grayson pushed Bianca forward, so that her gaze was level with the sight of the black wolf's crumpled figure. Grayson circled the two of them, guarding off the area so none of Lorenzo's wolves would be able to near them. Both he and Bianca knew what she had to do. If she wanted to live, if she wanted to survive having an alpha's venom in her body... She would have to become an alpha herself.

Once upon a time ago, Bianca had hoped that her father might see her as a daughter to be proud of. But that was just it- Such dreams had been nothing but fairytales.

It was entirely up to her, now: Kill him and live, or let him live and sign her own death warrant.

The choice wasn't a difficult one to make.

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