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Present Day

 They truly were unstoppable together.

Grayson's army was growing every day, and the attacks Lorenzo sent their way only riled the Briare wolves up into a motivated frenzy. As for Bianca, Lorenzo trusted her more than he'd ever had before. He believed she had no choice but to put all of her faith in him. He thought she had no one left.

And Bianca used this to her fullest advantage.

The Blackburn wolves' plans of attack were sabotaged three days in a row. Lorenzo's accounts, which they'd been draining since the previous month using the Six's assets, had now reached a dangerously shallow level. When Lorenzo's desperate second and third in commands hired human sharpshooters- with what little money they had left- to take Grayson's people out, Grayson bought those humans off. The ones that wouldn't be swayed so easily were offered an alternative way out by a homicidal Reyes.

Grayson made sure his visits to Texas weren't too frequent, as him being spotted there would instantly put the Blackburn wolves on high alert. But he and Bianca did meet, every once in a while. They managed to ease their way back up to their comfort zone, until one night, Bianca took their friendly relationship a whole step further by kissing him. With not a single wayward intention behind that kiss.

She moved back to North Carolina a while after that, and while Grayson tore apart Lorenzo's army from the outside, she started laying down the pieces to have Lorenzo's operation crumble from the inside. She was always careful, of course, but it wasn't hard for her to snoop her way through important files and plans when her appearance always managed to clear out whatever room she stepped into.

Some of the Blackburn wolves thought she looked like a monster, with all her hideous scars. But most saw her for what her father saw her as: Defeated and broken. As far as they knew, their great future alpha had gotten her ass handed to her by some nineteen year old psychotic prick. How was someone as weak as her supposed to lead them into a new era?

Bianca managed to keep her anger pressed down, telling herself that a day would come when they'd all be on their knees before her. Even when her two older cousins started making strong insinuations that they were the most viable candidates to the throne, she bit down on her tongue and continued doing what she'd come here to do.

Then at last, word of a new battle began to spread. For the past four months, both sides had been playing dirty: Traveling in groups to pick off one or two wolves of the opposing side, and such. Now, though, there was going to be a real battle.

Reyes had a few convincing sources leak the fact that they were going to be attacking Crescent Cliffs on the last day of the month. The Blackburns bought the rumors instantly, and started making plans to storm the Briares' latest base- A massive loft, located in an abandoned warehouse district in Raleigh- three days before the month would come to an end.

"Focus the wolfsbane traps on the eastern perimeters," Grayson ordered his wolves, once he'd received the Blackburn pack's plan of attack from Bianca. "About a dozen of them will be in their human forms, shooting silver bullets from their cars. Set up the tire spikes in the main road, and have wolves positioned by the trees to butcher said 'humans'," he told Jackson, then searched the area for any sight of Reyes.

"Reyes," Grayson called, marching up four sets of stairs to the topmost floor of the loft. "Reyes, are you in-"

He froze upon barging into Reyes's room, and realized there was a very good reason people knocked before opening doors.

"Gray, I can explain," Kenna began.

Grayson did a double take.

Kenna. What was she doing here? She was supposed to be far away from Raleigh, she was supposed to be staying in one of the numerous hotels Grayson had asked Reyes provide for her- Oh.

Fuck, this was all his own fault, wasn't it?

"Boss, I swear-"

"Reyes, shut up."

He shut up.

"I'm a horrible person," Kenna gasped. "I know I'm a horrible person, I- This is horrible, I know it seems like I've practically been stealing from you under false pretenses, but please, I need you to at least know that this isn't some fling-"

"I'm in love with Bianca Blackburn," Grayson blurted out.

Kenna blinked. "Huh?"

"I'm in love with her," he repeated, this time staring at Reyes. It felt incredible to be able to say those words again, after all this time. "I'm in love with her, and to be honest, I couldn't give a fuck about whatever it is that's going on between you two."

Something in him must have exploded and messed with his mental state, because he strode out of the loft with a stupidly huge smile on his face. Grayson phoned Bianca, and as soon as she said, "Hello?" he blurted out, "To victory."


"That's what you said, right before the first battle. And I'm saying it again. To victory."

"Grayson," she laughed.

"And this same time tomorrow," he said, "We're going to be toasting to a hundred more victories to come. You'll be my Queen, Bianca."

"To victory, then."

"I love you," Grayson said. He'd told her this many times before, but it was only now that he realized how true it was. He grinned as he thought about her different reactions to his confessions of love over the months: She'd laughed in his face, she'd punched him, she stared at him like he'd lost his mind-

"I love you, too."

The wind was knocked right out of his lungs. He must be dreaming.

What was more incredible that the fact that she'd said what she'd said was how she'd said it. Her response had come so naturally, almost as if 'I love you, too' was an obvious fact... As if it always had been.

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