𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖗

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One Year Later

Three private planes landed at an airport in Phoenix, Arizona. The small number of people aboard could've easily fitted onto a single plane, but that wasn't how members of The Seven preferred to travel.

From the first plane exited Lucien Quill, the alpha of Virginia's largest werewolf pack. From the second came Alaina Vargas, New York's werewolf queen, and her eighteen year old daughter, Camila. Grayson Briare, who'd recently become North Carolina's most powerful alpha, walked down the steps of the third plane.

Waiting for them was a limousine, with men waiting to open the doors for them. Lucien and Alaina entered through one side, and Camila and Grayson entered through the other. Grayson ducked inside first, then offered Camila a hand, which she took with a smile- A smile that was so unlike the devilish one Grayson had fallen in love with once upon a time ago, with lips that were far from the crimson red hue that hers once had been.

"Here's to war," Alaina raised a glass of champagne she'd produced from a compartment near the seats. Grayson remembered her making a similar toast roughly a year ago. His mouth filled with a bitter taste at the thought.

"To avoiding war, you mean?" Lucien raised an eyebrow, taking the second glass she offered him.

"What's the difference?" Alaina asked. "Grayson? Care for a glass?"

"Thank you, Alaina, but I'll pass," Grayson replied.

Grayson slipped in and out of the conversation between Alaina and Lucien during the drive, and mostly spent his time staring out the window. He recalled the last time he'd set foot in Phoenix: After the death of his father, he'd needed to round up those that were against his rule. But for that, he'd needed more manpower, so he'd struck a deal with a pack here: He would help them deal with their enemies if they helped him deal with his. It had worked out well for both sides... More or less.

"Is this where we're staying?" Camila, who'd been silent the entire time, marveled at the modern estate they'd just driven into. It was very unlike the Redwood House, which Grayson had moved out of months ago. Instead of looking like it could've been built sometime in the nineteenth century, everything about this estate screamed new and bold. Glass pane walls, flat, vila style rooftops, with an electric gate to match.

"Don't gawk, Cami, you look uncivilized," Alaina chided her daughter.

The car carrying their luggage pulled up a few moments later. Men and women dressed in neat suits approached them. Half moved to unload the luggage, while the remaining half led the three alphas and Camila into the house.

"Shall we leave at seven, then?" Alaina suggested.

"We're supposed to meet with them at seven thirty, at a restaurant that's an hour away," Grayson pointed out.

"Like I said, seven." Alaina moved for the staircase that led to the basement floors, while Lucien headed towards the elevator. Grayson decided to go for one of the bedrooms on the upper floors, and made his way towards the glass staircase. He was joined a second later by Camila, who kept a steady but small distance between them.

Though he knew he wouldn't be able to ignore her forever, Grayson didn't speak a word to her until he'd picked his room- One with simple interior design and a king sized bed. A glass pane made up one of its walls, giving him a perfect view of the gardens outside.

"Missed me?" Camila spoke, closing the door behind her. She faltered for a bit when Grayson didn't give her an answer. "Mom got me into Dartmouth. But I'm taking a sabbatical this year. I think I might go traveling or-"

"Stop talking." 

She was irritating him, and he made sure by his tone not to hide that from her.

Camila did stop talking, but only after shooting him a look. She teetered back and forth on her heels- No, platform boots, Grayson realized. This was strange- He doubted he'd ever seen her out of her signature ruby heels.

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