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Sierra Brookes had been Bianca's closest friend for over a decade. Before Sierra had died, a lot of the wolves their age had been eager to make friends with Bianca, per their parents' requests. They'd believed being on good terms with Lorenzo's daughter would eventually mean being on good terms with Lorenzo himself.

But to Bianca, all those other kids had been nothing but a nuisance. Sierra and Henry had been the only people she'd been comfortable around, comfortable to actually be herself around. The three of them had done everything together, from going to school to sharing stories and insulting people behind their backs.

Shortly after Bianca's sixteenth birthday, she had gotten herself a boyfriend: A human, the quarterback for Crescent Cliff High's football team. Dating him had been a joke in the beginning, a dare to see how long the stupid human boy could last. Then Bianca had developed feelings for Adam. About two weeks after realizing she was in love with him, Bianca had found Sierra and Adam on the verge of fucking each other in Sierra's bedroom.

One would have expected Bianca to go ballistic. She was a Blackburn, and if there was one thing Blackburns knew how to do, it was to explode at people. But right then and there, Bianca had broken down into tears and had raced out of Sierra's house. She'd rushed off into the woods and had transformed into a wolf. After that, it had only taken her a few minutes to get to the steep and rickety cliffs that gave her town its name. Back in her human form, she'd sat at the cliff's edge, staring down at the water below her. She hadn't been able to understand how her best friend could betray her like this. How her best friend could've been stupid enough to betray her like this.

Not sure what she was doing, Bianca had climbed up a stack of boulders a couple feet away from her, and had sat on the ledge that had no path leading up to it because it was too dangerous for any hikers to get close to. She'd hated Sierra. She'd hated Adam. She'd hated herself for letting herself get caught up in this ridiculous teenage love mess, for letting herself be vulnerable for once.

About an hour passed, and Bianca caught the sound of footsteps bounding through the woods. Soon, Sierra had appeared in the clearing with mascara running down her face. "Bianca, I'm so, so sorry-"

Bianca had sent Sierra a glare, hoping to shut her up, but she hadn't been expecting it to work so well. Sierra struggled to speak for a few seconds before finally blurting out, "Your eyes are glowing red."

Scowling and unsure as to whether Sierra was lying or not, Bianca turned her back on her and swung her legs back and forth off the ledge.

"Get away from the edge, Bianca, you're going to hurt yourself."

Bianca had laughed at this- How funny was it? Sierra was pretending to worry for Bianca when she was the one who'd hurt her in the most twisted way imaginable.

This entire situation was ridiculous, and if her father knew about it, he'd probably kick her out of the house for a week. Here she was, Bianca Blackburn, the future alpha of one of the strongest and largest werewolf packs in the country, crying because she'd had her heart broken by a boy and her ex-best friend.

Sierra had sat down next to Bianca, nervously fumbling around with her fingers. "Bianca, I-"

"Why?" Bianca had whispered.

Sierra had looked down, then had sighed. "I wish I hadn't, you have to believe me-"


"You always get everything you want!" Sierra had exclaimed. "Was it wrong of me to want a normal, decent, human boyfriend too?"

That was the stupidest excuse Bianca had ever heard of in her entire life. "So you decided to go after your best friend's boyfriend?" Bianca had shouted, slamming her fist onto the ground. If she'd been in a right state of mind, maybe she would have noticed just how powerful her blow to the ground had been, how cracks had begun to appear on the ledge they were sitting on. "And what do you mean, I get everything I want? You're the one with a loving family, the one with two parents, the one who's free to choose whatever future she wants for herself because she hasn't had to live with the burden of one day carrying the crown!"

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