𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝕾𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓

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Present Day

No one ever won wars by playing fair.

It was easy to slip extra wolfsbane into Lorenzo's drink. He always took his daily dose of aconite with his morning coffee, and as his body was already used to ingesting the poison, he wouldn't realize he'd swallowed up an extra bit more until his limbs started getting heavy on the battlefield.

Figuring out a way to get all the other Blackburn wolves to consume aconite had been much harder for her. But Bianca had managed by slipping one or two drops of the stuff into the town's water supply for days, now. The amount was so sparse that nothing, not even a rash, would be appearing on the skin of the wolves that showered using this water, but it did affect them in other ways. They easily fell into fatigue, and were quick to blame this on the extra hours they were spending on training or formulating plans. Like this, she conditioned them into a weaker state, so that victory would be guaranteed for the Briare wolves.

Was this wrong of her? Absolutely. But Lorenzo had broken the rules first by deciding to have some of his wolves in their human forms to shoot the Briare wolves from afar. So, as far as Bianca was concerned, she shouldn't be feeling guilty in the slightest.

On the eve of the 'surprise' attack, the Blackburn wolves filed into their cars, not sparing a glance for the girl with the scars. No one had asked her if she wanted to come to the battle, more out of pity than anything, and she hadn't volunteered, either.

Bianca and Lorenzo hadn't spoken much since she'd screamed at him that she wished Grayson would kill him. She supposed she should say some sort of goodbye to him- She'd abandoned all thoughts of her being his father months ago, but for him, tonight would be the last night he would ever see her as his daughter.

But it was hard to say, 'Goodbye and good luck', when one considered all that he'd done- Or rather, hadn't done- for her.

Therefore, she stayed shut up in her room all day long.

As the final Blackburn wolf left Crescent Cliffs, Bianca began roaming the halls of the home she'd grown up in. So many memories, hardly any of them good ones.

One last time, she broke into her father's stash of Irish scotch. And, as she used the lighter that had been in her coat pocket to light the curtains on fire, she doused the flames with the alcohol.

Heat roared to life around her.

"Looking hot, princess," Reyes nodded.

Bianca hopped into the seat next to him. "Shut up and start driving, Reyes."

The engine of the sports car roared to life. They shot off at three hundred miles per hour, easily flying past the cars the Blackburn wolves were driving in. The sun set as they neared the loft, and by the time they were stepping out of the car and into the woods, night had arrived.

"Ready to do this?" Grayson greeted her.

Bianca smiled. "Let's make history."

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