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"Things are going to start changing around here," Bianca announced to the teenage wolves who had gathered in the gymnasium. "You'll all be treating me the way I deserve to be treated." She hopped down from the stage and took a step forward. Instantly, the students cleared a path for her, but not out of respect- More out of fear of the crazy girl they'd heard so much about yet had never seen up close. The crazy girl who had...

And I'll call you the lunatic who pushed her best friend off a cliff.

Bianca pushed that memory down as deep as it would go. "Starting tomorrow, I'm no longer the loner kid, understand?" Her voice came out more forcefully than she'd been meaning it to. "With your help, by tomorrow, I'll be the queen of the school. Hopefully, you're all smart enough to know I'm more than willing to start implying threats to those who aren't enthusiastic participants."

They wanted to think of her as mad? Let them think of her as mad. What did she have to lose, anyway?

"A bit dramatic, don't you think?" Henry asked, once everyone had left.

Bianca grinned at her best friend. "Dramatics are a given part of being queen."

"Are you planning on telling me what brought forth this wave of ambition, your majesty?"

"Come on, I'll drive you home," Bianca said. She skipped up to her car: A vicious black Porsche she had bought using the check her father had tossed to her on her sixteenth birthday last year.

"I have my own car, thanks," Henry muttered.

"Scared, Oake?"

"My parents get nervous whenever they see me with you." Nevertheless, he reluctantly got into the passenger seat.

"It's been five years. Tell them they need to get used to it."

Bianca had just entered middle school when she'd met Henry Oake for the first time. Within a week of them becoming friends, Jackson, her bodyguard, had told her that her father wanted Bianca to have nothing to do with Henry. Of course, this had only made Bianca want to hang out with Henry even more, and he'd become one of her closest friends ever since.

It wasn't that Henry was a bad kid. If anything, it was Bianca who was always influencing him in the wrong direction. And to the humans, the Oakes were a respected family who were rolling in gold.

But gold carried no meaning in the Blackburn Pack, and to them, the Oakes were just a bare hair's width above the rank of the Omega wolves. This had something to do with history involving the generation of wolves that had come before Henry and Bianca, one that was unknown to Bianca and the kids her age.

"See you tomorrow, your majesty," Henry gave a dramatic bow, exiting the car once Bianca had pulled up to his house.

It was a bit past eleven when Bianca arrived home, and apart from her father's guards, the entire place was empty. As usual.

Feeling rebellious for some reason, Bianca broke the lock on her father's office and marched right inside. Knowing she would pay for this later, she invaded his secret stash of Irish scotch and poured herself a glass. She didn't even like the stuff, but it was always fun to take what wasn't hers- Even more so when what she was taking belonged to her father.

She must have fallen asleep, because when she opened her eyes, the clock told her it was a quarter past midnight. Bianca stood from her father's chair, stretched her hands over her head, and moved to place the bottle of scotch back in the cupboard beside the desk. The moon's rays shone down from the window behind her, illuminating the contents of the cupboard. And there, glinting in the corner, was a small mirror.

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