Dancing with them be like:

352 11 4

Requested by: ThomasRidgewellsusan

Context: you two have been invited to a party by your partner's friends, you guys were enjoying it just chatting until your partner ask you to dance.

~Hope you enjoy~


•He was nervous, if your holding his hand he is sweating.

• Likes to dance formally, but if you don't he won't force it.

•He dance just moving around not really thinking about it, just wanting to make you laugh.

• Teases you all night long, and has no shame in it.


• He is so nervous just to ask you to dance, he was stuttering all of the time.

•He wouldn't really know how to dance so expect for you to be having a cliche teaching session with him, with you both laughing and dancing.

• After a while you two just dance close to each other, just enjoying the moment, he loves it.

• If you tease him this boy will be blushing all night long not knowing how to respond.


• He asks expecting a "not now" as an answer, so when you said yes he was surprised and kinda embarrassed.

• This boy will stumble everytime he does eye contact with you, which will worry you both, but he's fine.

• When he convinced you to slow dance with him, expect on him using all kinda of cheesy pun on you, mostly being romantic ones.

• Loves to hear your laugh and makes sure to stay glued on you for the rest of the night not wanting the night to end.


• He asks when you two are alone, and he actually knows how to dance

• He will be physically flirting with you, with subtle moves here and there.

• and with you ever want to slow dance with him, he will whisper how much he loves you in your ear.

• He has an arm around your waist for comfort and will kiss you cheek or your neck every opportunity he gets just to see your red face of embarrassment, he finds it cute.

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