When they notice they like you.

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•He was at the club practicing.

•He started to play a song he knew.

•You recognize the song, and start singing it.

•He didn't notice you were singing at first, but when he did oh boy.

•He got so nervous for a reason he didn't knew, and started to miss some notes.

•After you notice he was missing some notes you decided to stop singing and complement him for knowing how to play that song.

•He thanked you with a hand in the back of his head nervous and not sure what to do.

•Later that day he was thinking about that moment and realized he liked you.


•He got better at talking to you, helping you constantly with your math problems.

•Around you he was such a happy boy, all smiley and positive about your difficulty to do math.

•After a while of him being like this, you thought he was doing it because he was scared to say no for your help requests.

•You asked him if he was really liking helping you out or he just was doing it because he felt pressured to do it.

•He was taking of guard, he didn't think he was being pressured, and he was enjoying the time together.

•He said that he enjoyed the company and that he wasn't being pressured, and that he didn't mind helping you out always.

•He have to assure you time as you still suspicious that he is just being pressured to say that.

•He finds it cute, but doesn't really realize that he might like you.


•He was giving you some advice about the way he draw.

•You were paying your full attention to him and trying to apply the advice on your drawing.

•Asking constantly if you did it right.

•After you did it you both celebrated and laughed at each other.

•You two started to do this every single club meeting.

•At one point a person from the club asked if you two were a couple.

•Blush was in both your faces.

•You and him were a mess trying to explain that you two were just friends.

•The person read the room and notice you two were just close friends said sorry and left.

•You and Edd stayed in an awkward silence.

•After a while He realized that he might like you, he was frozen in place.

•You just wanting to get back to the funny chat said "Wanna draw cats".

•He blush waking up from his own thoughts, saying yes faster than you could process.

•After that he just talked shyly and you were just trying to avoid the situation.


•You and Tord were cooking cakes, a competition you two made to see who was better.

•While you was good at decorating the cake fast, his cakes always tasted better.

•Before you two started the competition you tried to find out what Tord did for his cakes to taste better.

•Obviously you still didn't knew how, and he made fun of you for trying to copy him.

•So in the middle of the competition you asked him what was his 'secret ingredient' as a joke.

•He just said 'Well, they say love is a good secret ingredient' in a funny way.

•You stoped and looked at him, 'but since you came here I am the only one eating your food, are you saying you love me?' You teased.

•He stoped.

•His face was red and a failed attempt  to defend himself, he just didn't know what to say.

•You were laughing so hard.

•The only thing he could say was, 'shut up'.

•When you stoped laughing you saw his face and felt bad for him.

•After saying sorry and saying it was a joke, he just stood there blushing and saying it was cool.


I think I made this too long, sorry

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