How they ask you out.

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•He was playing his bass, you were reading the lyrics of the next song.

•He stopped and looked at you.

•You looked at him.

•He asked you out right there.

•You were to shocked to respond.

•But eventually you said yes.


•He couldn't.

•He just didn't had the strength on him.

•But one day, he was thinking in a way to ask you out while you two were studying.

•He asked it out loud without noticing.

•You looked at him in shock and asked "do you mean it?".

•And was the moment that he notice what he has just said out loud.

•He couldn't get a word out.

•But you said yes anyways.


•Edd was nervous, he wanted to do it for a while, and it have to be perfect.

•He was planning to do it after the club, so it'll be just the two of you.

•But he always felt to nervous to do so.

•one day he was feeling brave, but you had to buy a few things for school.

•You two left and gone to do what you needed.

•He later on said he wanted to ask you on a date for a while, but guess you two are already in one now.

•You two laughed and blushed all over the place, as you said you would like to go on a proper date with him next time.


•He just asked you as soon as he saw you in school.

•He just didn't wanted to feel nervous of asking you in a embarrassing way, so he just did.

•You said yes, because why not?

•He was a blushing mess when you were around now.

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