Chapter 35: Battle Of The Coral Sea

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Daniels was lying in his tight bed, re-reading his letter for the dozenth time. Mark came in, resting his arm on the top bunk as he spoke.

"What you got there bud?"

"The letter I'm going to send to Mary when I return home."

"The same letter?"

"Yep, I don't want to mess it up."

Mark chuckled, "Be worried about messing up in a dogfight, not this shit."

"Not cool man," He punched his arm as he got up with a smile, "Not cool."

Jonha came in at that moment in a rush, "You guys too poor to own a watch; it's time."

They jogged around the USS Lexington to the top of the deck, where planes were being prepared. Pilots and the like ran around to their stations as practised; Daniels, Mark, and Jonha were no exception.

"Hey Mark," Daniels handed the letter, "If I don't make it back, send this to Mary."

As he took it, he gave a small laugh, "You didn't survive 3 days of this battle to die on the fourth day. But sure, I will."

Daniels climbed into his cockpit, and suddenly, the outside noise was muffled. His ragged breath did little to ease his nerves. He looked around at a noticeable difference; there were slightly fewer aircraft today. The engine sprang to life with a roar, and vibrations echoed in and out the cockpit, in and out of his body. It was now his turn to take off.

He put the plane in full thrust and was forced back on his seat as the wheels skidded against the deck. Soon enough, he was airborne and ready to get into formation. Mark and Jonha came after him.

Mark radioed over, "Once again over the horizon huh?"

"Yep, that's how this goes," Daniels replied as he tucked in his wheels.

Maddiff chimed in, "You guys nervous?"

"No," They both said unanimously.

"Really? Dam did you not live the past 3 days?!"

Daniels laughed, "Oh I lived them alright, long enough to see your black ass miss a ship at point blank."

"I would have hit the ship if y'all were doing your jobs, you know, fighting the zeros."

"I was under flak."

"So was I, college boy," He smiled, not that anyone could see.

"You know the only zeros I can see," Mark chuckled, "Are the ones in your bank account."

Jonha laughed as he sped his aircraft up, "Mark, Daniels, cut the chatter and stick to the formation; we're going ahead of the bombers, remember?"

"Alright then Maddiff," Daniel sighed, "See you on the Lexington."

"Yeah, you too."

The fighters increased their speed, soon approaching what was once the horizon. Daniels' eyes were peeled to the outside, constantly looking around for any Japanese planes. No one spoke, too keen on spotting the enemy. "There! Japanese left side!"

The fighters broke formation splitting off in all directions, ready to meet the enemy. The zeros shot first, taking down an aircraft. Daniels was targeted as he rose in altitude, narrowly avoiding too much damage from the small bursts.

He turned left, almost making a complete circle, quickly changing direction. He shivered as a burst of bullets flashed before his eyes. It caught the enemy off guard; with no time to spare, he flanked behind the zero shooting it countless times in the fuselage. It swirled randomly; he pulled up to avoid the plane frozen in space.

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