Chapter 2: Devil's Ace

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The sirens blared out in the afternoon of May 30th. A cue for Doriph and the rest of his squad. A warning of incoming planes.

Doriph ran to his plane, feeling the cool air brush against his face. Once in, he saw plane after plane leaving the airstrip in an organised fashion.
He moved his spitfire into position.

It soon grew warm in the cockpit, feeling the vibrations and the growling engine. He readjusted his helmet, which had a knife mark of his flight name, Devil's Ace.

The aircraft sped up. Every bump and notch of the grass shook his craft but not his confidence. Without much delay, he was in the air with his squad.

"Alright, everyone go into formation. Like we practised." The lead pilot, Peraze, radioed to the 16 planes tailing him.

"How many Jerrys are we expecting?" Pilot William asked.

Peraze replied, "Spotters said they saw 5 bombers and 15 Messerschmitts. They are heading to a small airstrip under repair down south."

"Wouldn't put it past them to hit some factory districts around there." Pilot Ruth spoke.

"Don't underestimate their ability to hit a target, Ruth." Doriph chuckled.

"There's a lot of infrastructure around that area."

"That's why we gotta intercept it."

A new pilot chimed in, "Where are we even headed?"

"Who's this?" Doriph asked.


"The new guy, right?"

"Yeah, I just entered a week ago."

Peraze interrupted, "Go easy on the chatter, lads. And Joseph, just stick to the formation and your training; you should be good."

"Yes sir," Joseph responded.

"Hey Ruth," Doriph radioed over, "how many you think your gonna knock out today?"

"I'd say about 4. What about you?"

Doriph chuckled as he glanced to the right of him. Seeing the buildings below zoom past his field of view.

"I think all of them."

Ruth laughed, "I'd pay to see you got up against them yourself."

"You don't got enough bullets in your plane lad," William added.

"Alright, as many as my plane will allow me." Doriph sarcastically said.

Ruth betted, "Alright, if I can get more or equal kills than you yeah."

"I'm listening."

"You owe everyone a pint of beer. How about that?"

"Bet, but if I get more, then don't you ever doubt my name." Doriph gave a small laugh.

"Hey Ruth," Pilot Miaim radioed in.


"Pull through with your bet; we are all counting on you."

"Don't worry, Miaim."

Peraze interrupted, "Cut the chatter completely now unless you prefer to do extra cleaning duties when we get back. Luftwaffe nearby."

Doriph looked around the sky, hoping to spot some enemy planes. He began to sweat around his hands as he anxiously moved his toes.

"I think I see them. West Side, a good 2 plus miles out." William reported.

"Alright fellas," Peraze addressed everyone, "Brake formation and engage."

"Ruth you better do good!"

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