Chapter 1: Dunkirk

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He felt the energy drain from him. Every step seemed to exhaust the oxygen in his lungs. He dropped his rifle long ago; it would only drag him down.
He turned a corner of the road and sprinted to one of the houses nearby, grabbing a rock on the floor.

With a strong throw, he smashed the glass of the house and jumped inside, cutting his hand in the process. He couldn't stop and lick his wounds, though. They were right behind him.

Exiting through the back door, he ran across the rear garden and jumped a fence, landing on a side road: Couldn't stop to breathe; couldn't stop to check his surroundings. He just ran.

Turning a corner onto the main road, he saw 4 soldiers who spotted him. One shouted something in German as they all took fire at the man. He ducked behind a small stone wall as bits of rock crumbled and fell beside him.
Drawing his pistol, he breathed heavily, ignoring the bullet wound on his leg. It was only a minor scratch.

The 4 soldiers turned into 7 as they approached his position. But before they could get any closer, he heard a soldier yell and a gunshot. Blind to what was happening, he stayed composed, hearing only 10 more shots before silence. He removed his cover pistol and aimed at the new man before him.

The new man stood there with the 7 soldiers around him dead.

He took off aim at him and thanked, "Th-Thank you."

The new man talked back, "Dat was een close call nee?"

"Wh-I don't understand."

The new man looked puzzled but responded, "Close call, no?"

"Yeah, it was. One of the basterds still got me in the leg, though."

"Juels" He walked closer and offered a handshake.

"John", the man returned the handshake noticing that he was a Belgium soldier.

"Which regiment are you from?" John asked.

"Sorry ik begrijp het niet." Juels replied.

"I don't speak Dutch. Do you speak English?"


"Okay, where are your friends?"

"Oh, far away. You go there," He pointed in the direction he was first heading towards, "Evacuation is over there. Couple of miles, watch out for planes."

"Are you not coming with me?"

"No. Ik ben niet zoals een gewone soldaat zoals jij," He smiled.

Confused, John nodded and wished him the best. As they parted ways, some Stukas were heard flying overhead.

Juels jogged past a corner to a half-destroyed building, climbing his way to another taller building with a 360 view of the surrounding area.

He went on his radio that he'd place there earlier and gave a report, "Dit is Juels op positie A-3. Er is hier niet veel tank- of infanterie-activiteit. De Duitsers gaan niet door zoals we dachten. Misschien maken ze zich zorgen over een tegenaanval, misschien loopt hun infanterie achter. Ik weet het niet, maar ik verzoek om herplaatsing. Daar is de luchtmacht bijna 24 uur per dag boven ons hoofd om mensen op te pikken, vooral op het strand. En ik maak me ook zorgen dat de Duitsers hier binnenkort te voet zullen aankomen."

He awaited a response. Several seconds later he heard a voice back, "Blijf aansluiten op positie A-2 en A-1 op positie A-4.
Daar ontvang je verdere instructies"

Juels packed away his kit and made a way down to the ground. He mentally prepared himself for a long trek to the beaches of Dunkirk to meet with 3 others for a chance at getting out of France.

WW2(Old Version, Rewritten up!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora