Chapter 24: Battle Of Stalingrad

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All dialogue in this chapter spoken by the Soviets are in-universe Russian

The rattling of planes loomed overhead. Engines roaring to life, above half-destroyed factories still full of life. Frigid air, gusts of strong icy wind intimate with the unforgiving cold snow chopping upon toes.

January 28th 1943, Stalingrad

The air puffed out of his mouth, clattering teeth and rigid bones. He walked down the tank factory, glanced at the crack in the roof. His fingers cramped tightly around his gun, knees ached as the loud welding of metal began to consume even the planes.

He walked towards a small group of soldiers 5 in size and repeated the orders to head to the rear and back out to the frozen city in rubble. 

They met up with the rest of their platoon as their lieutenant loaded his PPSH, "Germans pushed us out nearby in a library. They are building up their defences the longer we wait so we have to strike them now. On our way there, we have to meet up with a platoon in the 95th rifle division. They got stuck in an apartment block, we relieve them before we head towards the library."

A solider, Ramzan, asked, "We are looking a little light here, aren't we going to run into a German tank?" 

"There shouldn't many enemy tanks nearby, but if we do come across one, stick to the rubble and tight corners. Try and flank around it. If necessary fall back to a hidden position. Any more questions?"

The air stayed cold and silent as ever, the lieutenant nodded as he signalled to the platoon to move. As the 36 soldiers began to move out. Just as the snow began to get disturbed underneath their boots, a man tailed by 2 soldiers came forward.

"Lieutenant Evan, where are you off too?"

"About to rescue some soldiers then secure a library, sir!" He saluted.

"Alright well, a couple of soldiers from the 241st rifle regiment decided to desert, I trust you won't allow the same to happen to you huh?"

"No sir!"

"Alright, get a move on," He walked into the factory.

Evan turned around to the group, "You see someone desert, shoot them or 5 of you will be dead."

The platoon marched forward into the grip and grasp of the unforgiving cold. They trudged across the snow, over some rubble, a wall of a long-gone apartment and a tight corner till they dug in behind a smashed down apartment. The grey walls began to degrade as each crack crumbled into dust. Evan whispered to his 5 best snipers and close quart combat soldiers. They crouched to him as they peeked over some brick.

"You see the German holdout in that building, I count 14," He spoke as he looked through his binoculars.

The 3 snipers looked down their scopes as the 2 other soldiers dosed with paranoia looked around their surroundings. 

Evan clicked his fingers at them, "You two, sneak up to their right flank. There is a destroyed tank for cover. Kira, Maxim, and Vova, you think you could provide adequate support from here?"

Maxim and Vova both nodded as Kira fumbled with her gun. Evan looked at her awaiting a response. She was attempting to fix her sight as she pulled back the bolt sending a bullet to the snow, enveloped in the fluffy substance she began searching for it.

Vova reached his hand out picking up the rouge bullet, she quickly replied. "Yes sir."

He moved towards the rest of the platoon, there is a German group on their left. We have to sneak our way there and kill them or at the very least hold them off till the building is cleared. We then fall back to the building and wait for air support."

"Sir," Gand called out, "There is a German platoon arriving from the right as well, we need more support."

"Alright," He pointed at 6 soldiers, "Dimitn, Danil, Alina, Olga, Aityum, and Sti go with Gand and Luk to flank towards the right. For fucks sake don't get yourself killed."

The snipers spread out amongst the rubble getting into position.

"Use a red flag to signal that you are in position, Maxim, when you see both you order your snipers to shoot at the building."

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