Chapter 22: Spy

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Anker laid in bed replaying the memories he'd experienced only 3 days prior. He exhaled and looked at his legs, torso and his left arm. Bandages wrapped him around, enveloped in pain; he wanted more morphine... or meth.

Juels came into the room, with him a slight hue of brightness clashing against the dimming room.

"Juels, I did not expect to see you?"

"You think I'd go to training without meeting you first?" He chuckled.

"How has it been? With your wound and all?" Anker smiled, a pause in his ever consuming pain.

Juels touched the scratch on his neck, from a bullet that narrowly missed him, "You worrying about this? Mate your leg is fucked up."

Anker laughed and glanced down at his leg. Wrapped around in a tight cast. He looked back up at Juels, "I've been in worse."

Juels chuckled a bit as he grabbed a chair and sat down. He patted him on the shoulder.

"I never thanked you for getting us out of that chamber, I was sure that we were going to die a horrible death."

"Don't worry about it, it only cost me a leg," He smiled, "It's like that time in training huh. When we were practising house to house clearing and I kicked the door off its hinges."

Juels relaxed a bit as he claimed, "That was a wooden door."

Anker chuckled, "A door is a door."

"You still fucked up your leg though."

"For like a day! Anyways, I smashed that assessment."

"You smashed every assessment: shooting, running, hand-to-hand combat, jumping and parkour, the list goes on."

"You weren't too far behind," Anker sat up straight.

"I failed at house clearing you know."

Anker lightly punched Juels, "You know what I mean."

A nurse walked in, a new one. She had blue eyes and blonde hair, just underneath the height of a man.

In a passive-aggressive tone she said, "Sir, you aren't supposed to be here."

"Oh really?" Anker exclaimed, "I'll get myself out of bed," Anker laughed.

Juels chuckled, "She was referring to me lad."

"With that wound on your neck?"

The nurse sighed slightly, "Sir you can come to visit him tomorrow."

Juels took a proper look at her face, smooth skin, even eyes and eyebrows but a slightly small top lip.

He gave a slight whistle as he was leaving, "You single?"

"Juels," Anker looked at him, "You have a wife man."

"Luca doesn't, I have to look out for the little man you know."

"Sir, do I have to call security?"

"Okay okay," He left the room. His light footsteps retreated in the hallway.

"Sorry about him, I think he had a few more drinks of beer than he's allowed by ration."

"It's fine sir, it's why it's rationed, just lay down," She smiled at him, showing her white teeth.

"What's the date?"

"It is the 28th, I heard you've been through Hell," She took out a bottle of plasma and began preparing it, but always grinning at him and standing close, "Lost quite a lot of blood.

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