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This is, quite possibly, the worst timeline to ever decide to manifest itself into existence.

Ranboo is well-aware that Dream is evil. He's well-aware that he's a vile, disgusting madman. He knows he lives only at the detriment of other people, but it's really only registering now, with him holding his husband from the back and brandishing a dagger to his neck, just how much of a piece of crap he really is.

It's the dead of night in Snowchester, of all places, where Ranboo just happened to...wake up. He was still standing when he came to, outside Tubbo's house in the cold but not feeling even a pinch of the frosty wind due to whatever genes protected him from freezing temperatures. His first instinct was to check up on Michael, but when he did, the child was still snug in bed, warm and sleeping. He had looked around the room to see if anything had changed from when he left the piglin several hours earlier -- nothing. Everything was peaceful -- tranquil, even. He just so happened to enderwalk here and just got woken up by...one of the foxes scratching him or something.

As soon as he let himself relax, everything went downhill.

He heard a shout and the crunching of snow underfoot from outside the window, a hiss from under someone's breath and then another shout, muffled this time. Ranboo's eyes had darted to Michael -- still asleep, surprisingly -- before he ran out of that trapdoor, flying to the front door at top speed before stopping abruptly and shutting off the lights, cracking the door open.

Ranboo can see well in the dark, as is the case with most mob hybrids, so he could clearly see the situation he was being presented with unfold in high definition. 4k, even.

Tubbo, kicking and struggling like a child, was being dragged through the snow in nothing but his green button-up and some jeans -- no coat. The person dragging him -- which came as less of a shock to Ranboo than it really should have been -- was none other than Dream.

Maybe it wasn't as much of a shock as it should have been, but it still rooted Ranboo to the spot, the sheer terror of him finally seeing Dream in person creeping into the edge of his being, having to be physically shaken off before he could continue creeping out of the door, holding back the yell building in his throat just to get Dream's attention off of Tubbo. He twisted the knob and shut the door as silently as possible before crouching and making his way down the stairs.

Tubbo is, by no means, weak -- honestly, his base strength is probably higher than average. Getting playful punches from him leaves Ranboo with bruises if he isn't wearing any armour, but Dream isn't particularly fragile, either. He successfully managed to drag Tubbo, one arm around his neck and one on his mouth to keep him from making too much noise. Ranboo pressed himself against the side of the house, trying to keep himself vaguely out of sight before Dream abruptly stopped. So did Ranboo's breathing for a moment.

Dream then proceeded to chuckle, the bastard, before saying, "I can see you, Ranboo."

Crap. Maybe it was a bluff. The boy didn't move.

"Don't waste my time, Ranboo."

Crap. Something about the way he said that made Ranboo think he probably wasn't bluffing. Ranboo stepped out to stand about twenty, twenty-five feet directly in front of Dream and Tubbo, and a strangled noise had left his mouth when he noticed that there was now a netherite dagger being held to the boy's neck.

That's the situation. Ranboo honestly doesn't know how this could get any worse, which is a blatant lie because anyone with functioning eyes would be able to see how this could get so, so much more problematic.

Ranboo's first instinct is to try and get Dream away from Tubbo, which means he'd have to be threatening, which is definitely one of his strong suits. He glances into his inventory before manifesting his bow, notching one of two arrows in his inventory and aiming it directly at Dream's forehead, who looks nothing short of amused.

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