white diamond

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angered enderman screeches were not something techno expected to hear in the middle of the night.

or rather, he'd normally expect them if he or phil was outside, but they aren't, and ranboo obviously never angers endermen and is probably sleeping at this time of night. which probably means that someone is out there and accidentally looked at one in the eyes.

techno spares a glance at phil, who was reading a book but now looks as alert as ever. the piglin hybrid stores away the item he was using to sharpen his sword before getting up to investigate perfectly in sync with his friend without as much of a nod of understanding.

the cold, arctic wind bites at techno's face and whips his ears whilst the snow nips at his cheeks. he grimaces and squints through the almost=blizzard surrounding them. he considers shifting into his more pig-like form just for protection right then and there, but ultimately decides that it'd be a waste of time. the enderman noises continue to somehow carry over the wind, coming from the left, and techno slowly starts to realize that they sound more distressed than angry.

suddenly, a figure starts to emerge from the snow, and techno's mouth falls slightly agape in disbelief as he recognizes exactly who it is.

"i -- is that ranboo?? why isn't he wearing a coat, is he trying to leave his dead body on my property?"

"shut -- techno, no," phil says, shoving his shoulder and squinting at the boy in the distance, who stumbles through the snow and clutches the arms of his suit as he walks as fast as mortally possible to God-knows-where. and the sounds, the enderman sounds, they follow him, they're coming from him, and techno is properly confused. he's never heard the hybrid make noises like that aside from when he accidentally scares him and he lets slip a vwoop of surprise, but this is totally different. he sounds like someone angrily looked him in the eyes for like, five whole minutes, and it hurts his ears, just a little bit.

"ranboo!" techno calls out gruffly, and the hybrid's head snaps up to the two people standing on the balcony, seemingly glowing in the night. techno can hardly see his facial expression -- he doesn't have his glasses on, and he doubts he'd be able to see it anyways -- but he can feel phil's wings bristle with worry. he turns to the older man with a slight frown. "phil, i 'unno what's going on here, i-i haven't been payin' much attention to his goin' abouts..."

"he's crying, mate." phil whispers, and techno looks at the boy in the snow and back to phil incredulously.

"how'd you --?" techno shakes his head. "right, bird eyes, okay. RANBOO?" he calls for the boy even louder, and he doesn't respond and starts to walk away even faster. phil brushes past techno and rushes down the stairs, and techno grips the railing as he watches. his ear twitches nervously -- he didn't even realize that he was slipping out of human mode, but he doesn't particularly care.

he watches as phil rests a hand on the boy's shoulder and guides him towards the house with little resistance. techno backs away as the pair starts to come up the stairs, and his eyebrow shoots up when he notices ranboo's shoulders shaking. he can't see his expression, as his head is down, nor can he hear what he's saying, but he does his best to help and holds the door open for the two of them before shutting it behind everyone, effectively locking out the cold and the snow.

ranboo falls onto the couch, and techno picks up his glasses and pushes them onto his face messily, finally catching a glimpse of ranboo's expression. he sucks in a breath when he notices the greenish streaks going down his black side. he doesn't know too much about ranboo, but he definitely remembers that his black side bleeds green -- his tears are burning him. whatever combination of species or experiments happened with this kid definitely made a being that isn't biologically competent. he shouldn't even be able to cry if it'll burn himself.

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