hurts like hell

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Pogtopia feels emptier than usual.

Even when Tommy and Techno are out doing whatever they do and Wilbur is alone there, there's always a bit of lingering warmth, a sort of positive energy that stays behind. Perhaps it originates from knowing that so many people are on your side and are willing to fight with you.

To fight for you.

The ravine is freezing tonight.

Tommy is gone, probably off to ring all the sirens about Wilbur's plan to Tubbo like he always does, and Techno is off to God-knows-where. Leaving Wilbur completely alone, and completely submerged in his thoughts.

His thoughts, which seem to be stuck to the people that will be present at the festival and what he's going to do to them. Which, mind you, he doesn't feel bad about. Not at all.

How could he feel bad about it when they've been stabbing in the back ever since he was exiled? Hell, ever since he became president?

Wilbur paces around, subconsciously staying on the wooden Prime Path and turning around on his heel when he reaches the sign. He wrings his hands in front of him as he gazes into the choking campfire that was placed in the middle of Pogtopia.

He sees Fundy.

I loved...

Wilbur has to stifle a laugh. Fundy! Fundy, Fundy used to be his boy, Fundy, who he was so proud of after the war ended, who he couldn't look at without swelling up with pride in its most raw, natural form. Fundy, with his little redstone contraptions and his crayon suit, and his little hat with the full and half moons that Wilbur distinctly remembers showing him how to create.

That hat was a little project between them, a little craft that Wilbur and his boy made after his mom left. (He still wears it. Why does he still wear it?)

Wilbur can't wrap his head around it.

And I loved...

Especially considering the fact that he specifically didn't side with Wilbur, his own father , in the election. First it was siding with his enemies, and then it was breaking off to create his own party, which, granted, hurt slightly less than seeing him on Alex or Schlatt's side, but it was still a punch in the gut.

Fundy, who lost the election. Miserably. Wilbur will never be able to deny the fact that when he saw Coconut2020 in dead last, he felt smug. Justified, even. Even though he knew at that point that he had lost to Schlatt (I didn't lose to Schlatt Schlatt cheated he's a dirty filthy ------- cheater he doesn't deserve to stand up there he doesn't deserve to talk to my people ) , he still felt a twisted sort of satisfaction in seeing his son fail that badly as soon as he broke away.

Fundy needed Wilbur, is what that told him.

And I lost you.

That's what Wilbur thought. But that was shattered, shattered into billions of pieces once Wilbur and Tommy were exiled. He couldn't stop thinking about how his son was doing while he was fleeing from L'Manburg. It wouldn't leave his mind. He was so scared that Schlatt's administration would leave him lost, flailing in the dark, because father dearest wasn't there to prop him up.

And then he heard the news that Fundy was tearing the walls down, and his heart broke .

He heard that Fundy had burned down L'Manburg's flag, and it shattered .

But he couldn't let the thought linger. Building a whole new country was hard work, and he was in the middle of renovations when he was in the call over his earpiece with that bastard Schlatt and Fundy.

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