first choice (unf.)

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more posthumous clarification, this was written literally one week after charlie joined the smp! c!charlie was not even a neuron firing off in his brain at this point. this is mostly a hypothetical on what i thought charlie's character Might've ended up like.


Charlie Slimecicle is always going to be someone's second choice.

He doesn't particularly think that it's his fault -- no, it's mostly because he's the newest one on the server...or at least, that's what he tells himself. It's the most logical thought, anyways, and Charlie likes to think himself as a logical person, however silly that notion may be.

It's hard to think that way, though, when he considers how much thinly-concealed animosity there is towards him.

Charlie is funny -- no point in false humility there, he knows that when he cracks a crappy joke or shoots a stupid pun, someone is going to find it amusing. And while this still remains true on this server -- they're traumatized, not heartless -- he gets far more glances from the corners of people's eyes. And they aren't just because what he said was corny.

To tell jokes that trigger people's emotions enough to make them laugh aloud, you need to be able to read people's emotions, and if there's anything Charlie is good at, it's that. He can read people like a book, and he won't forget the story Awesamdude's eyes told him when he cracked an (admittedly) badly-timed joke about Dream once near Tommy. And the story itself went a little something like this: Awesamdude walks up to Charlie Slimcicle after slime man made a bad joke. Awesamdude deservedly snaps Charlie Slimecicle's neck into two pieces, and they all live happily ever after. The end, hooray.

And on a more serious note, Charlie could tell that it was through one phrase: who do you think you are?

And that's the tone he's been getting from everyone. He's decided that it doesn't matter how much about the server's history he knows (which is a surprisingly large amount, really), it's a bad idea to talk about it, let alone make jokes. Because no matter who he's with, someone will always think about how he's joking about things and people that caused them more pain than he could ever imagine. They can look back and laugh about it because they were there for it. He came in the greatest era of peace on the server -- he should stay in that era and leave their trauma right alone.

It's like it's some sort of twisted, completely justifiable gatekeeping.

Nobody gives Foolish a second glance when he talks about it even though he's new because he's an idiot (affectionate). Charlie's an idiot (derogatory) for even daring.

Which leads him to his issue of being the second choice. Since everyone's got that sweet, sweet shared trauma, they've all got relationship bonds that could be run over by a monster truck and tossed into lava and remain completely unaffected.

It's not like Charlie's any sort of expert on reading people (he is. he absolutely is), but he'd made certain observations about these bonds that, when looked at in the context of all the crap that's happened on this nightmare server, is understandable, but still entirely concerning.

Tommy is hardly himself when he isn't at Tubbo's side -- he's quieter and more cautious and more anxious than he's ever seen the boy when he's alone. When he's with Tubbo, though, he's his normal, boisterous self. Charlie noticed that Tubbo rarely responds to pain anymore, which is odd for his age, and he's the most over-protective person the man has ever seen. Too many times has someone lightly punched or shoved Tommy only for Tubbo's hand to subconsciously twitch towards his sword. And any mention of TNT makes his ears perk up and his tail start flicking in annoyance and anger. Charlie can advise firsthand that you should move out of the way of that tail when it starts up because it can and will leave welts if it hits you.

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